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  1. S

    Where can I get rid of my extra clones?

    Thanks for the help. Craigslist is getting better at knocking down posts for mmj instantly. I even tried posting under a new username, listing prop 215 and also just listing 'Blue Cheese garden starts' in order to avoid using the wrong keywords, but they didn't last 5 minutes. I think I'm...
  2. S

    Where can I get rid of my extra clones?

    I'm not trying to sell anything through the mail. If my post seemed like an advertisement, I apologize. I wasn't even aware that people could mail clones. I just thought someone might have already been through this, and could offer some suggestions. Btw, is the classified section working...
  3. S

    Where can I get rid of my extra clones?

    Why would you harass me about having only one post when I'm posting in the newbie section? I'm just trying to get some help here man
  4. S

    Where can I get rid of my extra clones?

    I don't know which Blue Cheese it is. I got the original ones at Organicann a few months ago. I can't plant them outdoors because I'm a quadriplegic, so I can't really get around away from the pavement.
  5. S

    Where can I get rid of my extra clones?

    I just tried to access the classified section here with no luck. Please tell me if I missed something, but it doesn't seem to be active yet. I tried to paste the address to order the elite rolling society, but no links came up on the ordering page. Craigslist deletes my posts even though I...