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  1. DVSRT23

    hello everyone, first time growing!

    I know what your talking about, 2 fans pulling air from 1 source. i also questioned myself before i did this. but it ended up working out fine, i don't completely close my tent because it creates vacuum in the tent. all the sides look like they are caving in. so the suction isn't a problem. so i...
  2. DVSRT23

    hello everyone, first time growing!

    I was using just one 6" fan like how you have it setup but around week 4-5 it started to smell abit. so i added another fan, and now clean odor less air pumping out
  3. DVSRT23

    hello everyone, first time growing!

    I searched and look for a part so i didn't have to put the Y branch, but no luck. there was no other solution to add 2 6" exhaust, reduce them to 4" and add them to the filter
  4. DVSRT23

    hello everyone, first time growing!

    Yes they were alittle droopy because I had the tent in my garage and we had a HOT week! Ive taken this picture after I moved it to my spare bedroom. Girls are doing alot better now since they getting AC.
  5. DVSRT23

    hello everyone, first time growing!

    thanks, the hoods not aircooled, I just have that white box fan pointing towards the light. my temp is at 83-85F when ON, and around 67-69F off. growing indoors in my spare bedroom
  6. DVSRT23

    hello everyone, first time growing!

    Using Sun system shade 400watt HPS light Elf carbon filter 2 6" inline fans, 250 cfm per one tri band LED panel tri band LED UFO light Using Fox Farm soil and Nutes and the tent size is 5x3x2.5 Growing Feminized Bubblelicious from nirvana. Vegged them for 5 weeks, and they are now (in picture)...
  7. DVSRT23

    hello everyone, first time growing!

    Hello everybody, first time grower my first setup. wanted to share my setup, what do yall think?
  8. DVSRT23

    Welcome New Members!

    My First setup, never grew before. just started about 8 weeks ago. what yall think??
  9. DVSRT23

    Welcome New Members!

    hello everyone, I've been a member for a minute. this is my first post, Growing femalized Bubblicious from nirvana seeds. live in the states, got the seed within a week. Vegged for 5 weeks, and todays been 1st week of budding. already seeing white hairs. using fox farm nutes, and soil. haven't...