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  1. teddiekgb123

    Medical Scrog 2.0

    Sometimes friends become enemies........"bro"
  2. teddiekgb123

    Medical Scrog: My first Real Grow

    bump bump bumparoo
  3. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    honored.....for some reason, most of the thumbnails won't open. I was able to fix some of them someway somehow, not sure really but it says invalid link on most of them. anyways sorry about that guys
  4. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    not much, just jealous of this guy greenlab and his greenlab. looks spectacular by the way if I do say so myself. still at it....will be posting a previous grow at some point
  5. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page're back in action, looking great my friend
  6. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    glad your back, lookin forward to seeing some pics
  7. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    chris farley........"that is corrrrect", :eyesmoke:damn you and your hot girlfriends endlscycle:hump:, been a while...this a new one?
  8. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    sry to ask this here......but how do you get the pics to post that like that instead of a small thumbnail, looks good by the way
  9. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    trim all the popcorn out, leave some of the leaves
  10. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    you've been right on with pretty much everything so far, your fan leaves under the screen are fine the way they are(scattered and not clumped together) I would leave as many as possible since they'll be helping ya later on in long they fit the prior criteria. Unless you're growing...
  11. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    looks really good........not much more to say than that
  12. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I think ya have about two weeks once male pods form before the pollen inside them is mature enough to pollinate.
  13. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    that's good. doing lst before the screen relieves some of that upward force the screen would be catching otherwise. screens tend to scuff and cut into the branches if there is enough force. try and imagine how much more stretch ya got and how much they'll grow in that time. your asking...
  14. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Let the branches grow high enough above the screen to be able to pull them back under and move them to the next hole. My new screen has 3"x4" holes, so I let them get anywhere from 2"-6" above the screen before I move them. The reason I say 2" all the way to 6" is....some branches will aproach...
  15. teddiekgb123

    Few questions before I get started

    take a look :arrow: 20000wattgrow and Shrubs First's grow :arrow: Shrubs First
  16. teddiekgb123

    Few questions before I get started

    I would just like to thank the idiots and responding smartasses of the world(more specifically this thread) for giving me a laugh. btw, i would have put that shit in my sig too if senior legally didn't do it already. This is like a super example of what i see everyday, people wanting to make a...
  17. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    -a little scrog porn- Vanilla Kush - 9.5 week including flush House and Garden nutes Liquid Karma during last 3 weeks These pics are after 36 hrs. darkness and a 6 day flush.
  18. teddiekgb123

    Medical Scrog 2.0

    Yeah, thats what I've read. Maybe it is the strain. I felt like the plants put some kinda survival element into the the buds which also made it take forever to dry out, if ya want to call it that. I still have a bud from that harvest and it's still moist. I got pissed off and left one of the...
  19. teddiekgb123

    Medical Scrog: My first Real Grow

    thankya sir, well this was my first grow which started oct 2010, so a little over a year now. Goto Medical Scrog 2.0 for the next one.
  20. teddiekgb123

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    I think it looks pretty damn good for your first time. Most people make the opposite mistake and let everything grow way too high above the screen. Next time, just stop training about 4-6 days before the end of stretch(depending on your spacing) and you should be golden/green. good job