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  1. D

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    HOw many of you guys have used a Ceramic Metal Halide bulb during your grow? Im really interested in anyone that has used it from the beginning to the end of their grow. Possibly thinking of going that route so i dont have to worry about making a cfl setup for vegging.
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    HTG 250watt hps Ballast Kit

    Looking for a 250 watt hps kit and found this one. Anyone have any exprience with this ballast or even their 250watt grow light since the ballast is the same one. Really appreciate any insight.
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Very cool to hear man, what size is your garden?
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    If you dont mind me asking, what does your setup look like? What extractor fan are you using? Are you currently using a cool tube? Yeah, those diy are the best ones i could find for the pice, quality, simplicity to put together. Glad you can get use out of them. If you make the cool tube, my...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Hey guys, i have a cab thats 25"x21"x49". I was originally going to go 150 hps. But i can buy a 250 hps ballast kit from htg and assemble a diy cool tube for the same amount that i wouldve spent on my 150 setup. These are the things ill be using 4in inline fan...
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    Using chicken wire with "Sea of green"

    Very interesting, any journals that you could point to me using this method? I would like to see it in action. I plan to do a 150 hps grow and this might help maximize my light. But arent scrogs more for clones?
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    can a 150 watt sun system = Remote Ballast?

    anyone? Im pretty sure it can done. I just want to make sure i have access to the 2 wires that hook up to the socket. Anyone own one of these lights?
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    can a 150 watt sun system = Remote Ballast?

    Hey guys, there are acouple of sunsystems on my local CL for sale. I want to make a diy cool tube for my grow light. My question is, would it be easy to extend the socket of the grow light from the reflector to make it a remote ballast/cooltube ready? I havent seen one up close so i dont know if...
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    Will this fan be strong enough?

    So i have a cab thats 25"x21"x49". I plan on growing with 150hps using this cool tube and ill be using this diy scrubber My question is will i be able to pull air through the...
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    What else do i need to get with a ballast kit???

    Hey guys, im planning out my first grow and have decided to go with 150hps, at first i was going to buy the htg 150 watt grow light. But it might be cheaper for me to wire my own light plus i can cool tube it. I was looking at this kit...
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    Help me out with my setup plz

    Thanks very much. LAst two things if anyone could help me out, how many passive intake holes should i use. And with a cab this size should i pull the air through the scrubber or push it through? I know its best the pull through, but will i be ok since im using this fan as an exhaust and using a...
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    Help me out with my setup plz

    True, yeah, the fan is going to be there, so i dont need to worry about the electrical room then. So about 4 feet for the grow room should be good then? I wont be vegging them for very long. thanks
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    Help me out with my setup plz

    Ok, so this will be my first grow. Im in the process of looking around on craigslist for a cab. I plan on getting something 2.5-3ft long, 2-3ft deep, 5-6ft high. Ill be sectioning it off so there is 3 feet of head room for my plant to grow, the top part that i section off will be where i house...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    yeah, i want to try and get acouple of grows done with this setup. After i have my technique down, i plan an making a small cab and buying the 4in inline/scrubber combo from htg. If my temp in the closet without the fans or light is 75 degree at the hottest point of the day. a 250 watt hps and...
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    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    has anyone else used this zero odor stuff and the ona gel? Wanting to know which one is better. Ill be needing it in a month hopefully.
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Actually im looking at the fans and they are 20 inch box fans. This is the exact fan type. ( I cant find the cfm on the box or the...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Yeah, i was checkin that one out too. Looks like a good deal, the only problem i see is the spectrum of both bulbs arent the best. Theyre just standard mh/hps bulbs. But thats the case with alot of the 250watt packages that are inexpensive on ebay. LMk how it works out for you though. Cause im...
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Is that the lumtek one on ebay that goes for 159 shipped? Looks like a nice setup
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    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    I have a question for all you 250'ers. I plan on growing in a 4x6x8 closet in a vacant room that will be light proofed. I will be growing with the closet door slightly opened and I will section the closet into 3x3 with either mylar or panda paper depending on which one i can find around here...
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    Chris' 2nd White Widow and Mystery Seed CFL Grow

    Wow, thanks alot on the all the info man. Yeah, i plan to veg mine for 2-3weeks until they are about 8-10" tall. So i shouldnt need any veg nutes. If they do need anything, it'll be nitrogen. And i heard piss works, ill have to do some research on that. lol About the Schultz food, ive read that...