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  1. B

    iPod Touch flashlight grow

    He definitely gets my vote for most imaginative thread.
  2. B

    What's a good/cheap way to control low humidity in a 31"x31"x71" tent?

    This is my first grow and I'm having trouble controlling the low humidity. I've tried wet towels and keep a cup with water in there but it still isn't that great. The tent is in a shed, so that makes things harder. Any suggestions?:joint:
  3. B

    Hello, Just wanted to say you have a lot of good information up. Thanks. We just started a...

    Hello, Just wanted to say you have a lot of good information up. Thanks. We just started a hydroponic set up and are 3 days into it. We started from clones and so far, so good. Maybe I'll post a pic later so you can check it out and give us your opinion. Thanks again for all your good advice!