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  1. S

    Best Herb For Cooking

    Alright nice thanks for the help
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    Best Herb For Cooking

    Extracting with oil, cooking it on the stove and straining it and everything, and we'll probably only make one 13x9 batch
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    Best Herb For Cooking

    Thanks, I thought so myself but wasnt sure. Now how much is a good amount to use if using our better herb??
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    Best Herb For Cooking

    So my buds have been making brownies lately and they've only been using dirt weed, although lots of it. It got me to wondering... Is using lots of bad weed better than using a good amount of fine nuggets? Would higher quality weed make the oil/butter more potent or does it not matter once its...
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    Frost last night?!?

    so what do you think, harvest it? first time grow here so i dont really know what would be best, ya know?
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    Frost last night?!?

    I dont know about 53 i heard it was lower, the other guy says he got frost and hes pretty close to me, im about an hour out of philly. If it did frost but its gunna get warmer do i HAVE to harvest that now?
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    Frost last night?!?

    So i have my plant outdoors and I thought it would be fine until about Halloween time i wasnt really paying attention to the frost but apparently last night it got really cold. Anyone know if there was frost last night in the Philadelphia area, I can't figure it out.
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    Trigger flowering outdoors?

    ok sorry i havent gotten back to this in a while, havent had much time, but thanks for all the input.. and i get what you mean now Alphanon hahah i was pretty sure you didnt actually mean a refridgerator, but yeah either way its gunna look kinda suspicious but the spots very well hidden so i...
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    Trigger flowering outdoors?

    well that would be real awesome to have, but it looks complicated as hell and i dont think a solar panelled refrigerator would blend in too well with nature haha
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    Trigger flowering outdoors?

    also does anyone know anything about moving plants from outdoor vegging to indoor for flowering? thats another small possibility i have but i dont know if that would do any damage to the plant with the whole change in lighting
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    Trigger flowering outdoors?

    well i could, i just really really really dont want to. thats the problem. thats why im lookin for any other ways to go about doin it.
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    Trigger flowering outdoors?

    AlphaNoN, thanks for the advice i probably will be pruning/training my plants, and khronic420 that seems like it would definetly work if youre doin that anytime soon let me know how it works out for you.
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    Trigger flowering outdoors?

    So im just starting up a couple of plants and me and my buddies have been talking about the whole process and it seems that everything should go very well, the only thing im wondering is how i could get my plants to flower earlier. I know normally with outdoor plants you just leave them and...
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    new grow scene

    oh yeah true that im not really worried about cops though. kinda in one of those areas where you never see them, plus its not gunna be anything worthy of cops busting it haha i know what you mean though
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    new grow scene

    had a bad experience?
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    new grow scene

    yo thanks alot man thats pretty much exacctly what i needed to know.. ill try that out too. ill keep you updated with the situation once i get it goin and what not
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    new grow scene

    thought about that but its only got one entrance on the complete other side of the house from my room n the floor isnt finished up there so i cant walk on it. i could try that from somewhere near the entrance though maybe. ill try to get some pics to show you what it looks like
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    new grow scene

    so i checked the attic out and it would be a real nice spot, no one ever goes up there, 4 or 5 fans that keep air movin up there, lots of isulation on the floor so you couldnt smell it from underneath.. problem is no visible outlets. is there anything i can do about that??
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    new grow scene

    yeah i thought about that and our is one of those completely unused ones to so that might work out, problem is it doesnt even have a ladder to it and the entrance is in my dads closet hahah. ill check it out though and see if that could work.