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    Purple Jems and Short Rider CFL Grow

    Lookin good, I'm waiting for my short riders to arrive:mrgreen: I'll be putting up a journal in the next few weeks. Subscribed!
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    First CFL PC Grow Case (Short Rider & Northern Light)

    Looks like there coming along great! I just ordered some short rider aswell, looking forward to see these babies flower!
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    What soil for seedlings?

    Quick update, I had some extra bagseed laying around so I germed a couple for a few days. 2 were showing roots and the others nothing. I decided to just take them and throw them in the ground and sprinkle some ffof on them because I ordered some short rider recently and I wanted to get some...
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    Nirvana Short Rider?

    Looks Great hempstead thanks for the pics!
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    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    Very interested in the outcome of this thread aswell, I'm considering picking up some short rider but either way nice grow hope it turned out well for you.
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    What soil for seedlings?

    Damn, I guess I'll be pickin up some perlite. Thanks for the tip.
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    How old are you?

    I'll be 25 on the 23 of this month:bigjoint:
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    What soil for seedlings?

    Got my rockwool yesterday. Put 8 in rockwool, 3 "that already popped" straight in FFOF. 5 still germing. I'll keep this updated as to how they turn out for me. Thanks for the help.:weed:
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    What soil for seedlings?

    Nice, you have to keep me posted on which way seems to be working better. I think I'm gonna do the same thing though. Split it up half and half and see which way works better for me! I
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    just smoked some grand daddy purp PICS

    Yum I'm jelous:bigjoint:
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    What soil for seedlings?

    Yea thats what I was originally planning on doing but then I read that sticky and got paranoid lol.. I don't plan on adding any nutes until its needed aswell but I'm still weighing the options before I go tommorrow. FF light warrior Rockwool cubes Stick with FFOF
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    Last Bowl of the Night...

    My thought as of now is to pack my bubbler and get on your level:leaf:
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    What soil for seedlings?

    Humm.. I might have to pick up a bag of that aswell.. What would be the difference in that then say starting them off in rockwell cubes? Edit. Oh and do you guys think its necessary to cover the dixie cups with plastic?
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    What soil for seedlings?

    First let me start by saying I did search and really didn't find a direct answer. I have decided that I'm going to use FF Ocean Forest but I was doing some reading on here specifically this sticky, So I was wondering what type...
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    Odyssey, Lemon Widow 250W CFL grow

    Lookin real healthy! I cant help with your question but I just wanted to drop in and say nice grow!
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    blackjack - day 12 - nutrient problem???

    I'm picking up some FF ocean forest tommorrow from a local hydro shop, cant wait to give it a try. I've heard nothing but good things about it. I would definitely switch to that or something similar if you continue to have problems. Good Luck!
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    FF ocean forest then FF feed Q??????

    I'm new to the forum but just started germinating my seeds. I'm going with FF ocean forest aswell, I was going to wait on nutes seeing its my first grow but you guys are making me want to pick some up:) What would you more experienced guys recommend for a newb grower? Are the extra nutes...