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  1. M

    Outdoor grow in UK - advice needed

    Yo raggae, its up to you when you want to put em out really... depending on your circumstances. If you can have them under an indoor grow light for a couple of weeks thats probably the most ideal situation. I've got some autos out already, and we've had a pretty crappy week weather wise (cold)...
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    Attitude Special for May 2010

    yeah i'm interested in these autoflowering strains. What worries me though is they call them auto-flowering however why do they list outdoor harvest dates such as October? If they are true auto-flowering strains surely they will flower regardless of photo-period, and thus won't have outdoor...
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    Pick 'n' Mix Seeds UK : White Dwarf not germinating... bad batch?

    Hi, just recently had a small seed order from Pick 'n' Mix ( I got 7 seeds in total: 2x Russian Rocket Fuel 2x Himalayan Blue Diesel 3x White Dwarf I also had 14 other seeds which I germinated at the same time and every single seed apart from the 3 white dwarfs popped and...
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    Blue Diesel week 1 pics 400MH

    Just most people start their seedlings off under low power CFL lights, as HID's can be quite powerful/hot for seedlings. Obviously when they move em to on to the HID light source it can be a bit of a shock for them as they are used to the less powerful/cooler CFL's so they need hardening off...
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    Outdoor grow in UK - advice needed

    Hi reggae, I would plant in pots if I were you. Especially as your doing auto-flowering plants, they don't grow for that long or get that big so I very much doubt they will grow better directly in the earth. Sure for regular plants which have the time to let their roots grow down and reach the...
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    Jonboy's '09 Automatic Blue Himalya and Automatic Little Angel Outdoor Grow

    WTF just read through 30 effing pages and the git didn't even post a harvest or smoke report!!!! talk about lame what a waste of time
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    White Dwarf

    ffs why bother posting a grow diary if you don't bother to write a harvest/smoke report!
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    ChemIndeuced's Short Rider Closet Grow (Soil, 400W HPS)

    I understand this thread is pretty dammed old... but seriously ChemIndeuced you can be a touchy little prick at times! Agito offered you nothing but good advise throughout, in a pleasant friendly manner, and you go and throw it back in his face. If I was him I'd tell you where to go stick it!