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  1. Tat2d

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    I hope you grow better than you use written grammar. Your=possessive You're=You Are Yore=Former period of time So, the correct way to say it would be, "You're all way smarter than I am. Please refer to me as fucktard from now on." Just so you know, I don't really care how you speak or write.
  2. Tat2d


    Fuck people that piss me off.
  3. Tat2d

    California license plate 4hzt408 , can anyone look up license plates ?

    Could have been an assessor. Where I live, they'll go into your yard and walk around your house.
  4. Tat2d

    All your buds like rocks!!!

    It should be "you're" dense. As in You are. "Your" denotes something that belongs to you.
  5. Tat2d

    Go Colts!!

    Go Colts!!
  6. Tat2d

    What Kind Of Pothead Are You?

    I'm an "anything I can do, I can do better and less boring stoned" stoner.
  7. Tat2d

    What went wrong on YOUR first grow?

    I had no idea that a plant could hermie so it wasn't something I was looking for. One day I bumped a plant and some "dusty" stuff fell off of it. I'm pretty sure he's the baby daddy of all of the seeds I got from that harvest.
  8. Tat2d

    Weed fest chicago

    When? I want to go.
  9. Tat2d

    what would happen if i was caught in school with weed?

    I got busted at school in 1980 - smoked on the way to school (we did it ALL the time). Jacket smelled like weed so they searched my car. They called my mom, I got 5 days off, mom took me back to school and I graduated that December. No probation, no court date, no essay on the "dangers" of...
  10. Tat2d

    what would happen if you cooekd a pound of weed and ate it all at once?

    I believe you would definitely get the shits at some point and maybe some green poo too.
  11. Tat2d

    The effects of BP's fuck-up...

    My daughter and SIL got to Gulf Shores last Sunday morning. They said you couldn't see the oil but it was definitely there when you got out of the water resulting in a soapy wash to remove it. By Monday afternoon, they could see tarballs in the surf. It's sad because I think this was...
  12. Tat2d

    Simple Game...

  13. Tat2d

    Ever get weed on a plain? How did you do it?

    I had a bra that had those insert things that you could take out. I made new "inserts" with a Food Saver. I not only had some hotty boobies getting on the plane, I was able to bring home about an oz.
  14. Tat2d

    Anyone besides me old enough to .........

    Long time lurker. First time poster. Yes, I'm that old. My friend's bro-in-law used to drive a bread truck and we would get "bread" from him and get rid of 3/4 of our "bread" and keep 1/4 of that "bread" for ourselves. I also remember when a 1/4 oz was 7 grams - not 7 grams including your...