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  1. greengiant31

    aero clones to soil

    i used to grow my roots 8" to 12" long in the aero cloner before transplanting into 15 litre pots. i used to fill my pots with coco or organic soil and push my hand and arm almost to the bottom of the pots to make a channel to drop the roots into and then gently push the soil to cover the roots...
  2. greengiant31


    i would root those little ones through that rockwool with a lower intensity light, perhaps some t5 flouros, once that they start to take off with a few more sets of leaves i would use the hps at 3ft away from plant tops for a few days before lowering it down. i have never used rockwool in a...
  3. greengiant31

    Best medium for Flood and drain SOG

    now that is a nice idea as i think you could still flood and drain every 4 hours because of the air pockets between the small cubes.
  4. greengiant31

    1200 watt vertical coco grow

    two 600 watters with a light mover to move em something like 10" up and down. :fire:
  5. greengiant31

    1200 watt vertical coco grow

    and here they are after 12 days 12/12, they will not stretch more than a couple of inches now.
  6. greengiant31

    1200 watt vertical coco grow

    here is my vertical pot coco grow that i made out of greenhouse staging. there are 8 racks that are 8 pots tall and 3 pots wide for a total of 192 pots. the pots are 6" square and 8" deep and i hand water them once every two days which takes me about 3 to 3.5 hours as i have to take the pots out...