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  1. J

    East Coast Guerilla Monster Attempt 2010

    Things are looking good so far good luck on yo grow ima be subscribing to this. N by da way wat strains are you using??
  2. J

    fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

    I jus Sub'd
  3. J

    word, n my bad 4 da double post but im on my cell phone and it act stupid on me sometimes

    word, n my bad 4 da double post but im on my cell phone and it act stupid on me sometimes
  4. J

    Ayo wassup fam?? Im new to dis site (and growing) and I jus finished look through that party cup...

    Ayo wassup fam?? Im new to dis site (and growing) and I jus finished look through that party cup thread of yours and I was wondering do u think it would be possible to grow a plant in a cup without any fertilizers and only sunlight?? Moneys kinda tight so I cant really afford no special lighting...
  5. J

    Ayo wassup fam Im new 2 dis site( and growing) and I jus finished viewing yo party cup thread n...

    Ayo wassup fam Im new 2 dis site( and growing) and I jus finished viewing yo party cup thread n I was wonderin do u think I could grow a nice plant n a cup without any fertilizers n jus regular sunlight? And any tips or wateva u might have would be appreciated
  6. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    okay thanks Ill probably go out and get sum type of potting soil dis week; and what is root spinout?
  7. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    ummmmm a couple quick questions; first is it possible to grow with some backyard soil(I have dogs so I guess the dirt is a little fertile lol),no fertilizers, and good ol sunlight?? and if a plant becomes root bound is it still possible to flower it and get sum bud or willl it jus die??