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  1. G

    How do i remove males?

    how much H202 do i add?
  2. G

    How do i remove males?

    i have 6 plants growing in my hydro set up right now and 2 turn male : / is there a simple way to remove the plant without damageing the other plants roots? as they are entwined
  3. G

    Need some advise and help

    its quite alright i dont mind at all this thread is for the knowledge of everyone, but i can kinda help you tho my answers are not EXACT. i have a 400watt MH bulb for my salt water fish tank and its normally on 16 hours a day which made my electricity bill jump roughly 25 dollars, but i also...
  4. G

    Need some advise and help

    so any tips for takeing care of animal and bug threats? and pesticides that wouldnt hurt the bud and plant? also are hanging pots a good idea to use? i was thinking of hanging soil pots, on trees,that i can get from my local hydro store, they come with locking rings so that wind wont blow them...
  5. G

    Need some advise and help

    well all 900 wont of course be in the same spot, i play on spaceing them out between acres of woods, like 20 plants per spot and each spot would be 50 yards away from each other, so basically i just have to hope that nothing eats them? lol theres no way to keep bugs and animals away?
  6. G

    Need some advise and help

    ah cool thanks guys :) well im not actually in ohio haha just around it, and where im at its been increasingly getting warmer but varies, around aprilish things become steady and it stays above 60 atleast consistanly, so im thinking of planting then, but yea too keep deer away i plan to piss...
  7. G

    Need some advise and help

    im new to the whole outdoor growing thing, but i do have experience with indoor growing..winter is almost over where im at and i wanna move my op to the out doors, i plan to raise some seedlings to about 12" in height before i move them outside but id like some help first First off, im runnin...
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    question on air purification

    any one?????
  9. G

    question on air purification

    Hey guys, this is my first grow and so far i must say it is going amazing, befor i even attemted to start growing i basically read through this site for about 3 weeks befor i made my first attempt and so far i havent run into any major problems :) which is good yay! lol but right now i have my...
  10. G

    is it bad??

    is it bad to cut off a little nugget from ur plant if its not ready to be harvested yet? haha im quite desprate and she looks SOOO beautiful i wanna tempt my taste buds with a little hit just aaaaaa liiiittttlleee
  11. G

    Hydro clone question

    yes ive heard, but i was recently injured and dont really have the time or effert to go to the store so i have been useing brown sugar since it is made from molassus would this neccisarily be a bad thing or not?
  12. G

    Hydro clone question

    ah ok thanks :) im just ganna leave her be then, but idk i have been useing a 20-20-20 nute solution that i got from dollar general hahaha!!! but omg its working amazingly!! before my plunt was hardly growing if what seemed like at all, its entire lower section was just brown crusted dieing...
  13. G

    UV flowering question

    i searched and read the thread you spoke of, but i still dont know if i can use a black light or not. im told black lights are UV light, but i also hear they put out bad light :s so can black lights be used or not? i have a 46 watt one that i bought from a store to make a poster in my room glow...
  14. G

    UV flowering question

    i read in the grow FAQ that UV light is good for a plant when its flowering, mine is 3 weeks in and id like to add UV lighting if this is true. does that mean i could simply use a black light? or not?
  15. G

    Hydro clone question

    ah thanks for the info :) but wouldnt cutting off fan leaves cause the same stress as takeing cuttings for clones? but would it matter at all if ive never trimmed the plant before? like it looks extremely healthy im actually quite suprised cause im useing MG soil but i sifted all the nute balls...
  16. G

    Hydro clone question

    Hey i recently just got a hydro system, and i currently have 1 very healthy little girl growing in soil, only problem is, she has been in flowering for near 25 days now and i hear its bad to make clones when a plants already flowering :S i was planning on removeing 2 huge leaves that are...
  17. G

    Soil to Hydro?

    i heard its bad to take clones from a flowering plant tho is this true? idk it is a very very healthy little lady tho, she had a couple problems growing up with nutriant imbalances and PH fluctuations but i fixed it all and shes a bright beautiful green all over now :)
  18. G

    Soil to Hydro?

    Hey is there any way or is it possible or even healthy to transfer a plant that has been flowering for 2 weeks into a hydro set up? if so how would i do this? the plant is currently around a foot tall and in soil, i just got a hydro kit tho and was wondering if i could transfer it over as it is...
  19. G

    Hermie question

    they are everywhere except the crown :/
  20. G

    Hermie question

    i dont wanna have to kill it :/ this sucks