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  1. F

    what should the watering schedule be for ebb n flo system?

    Using ebb n flo on a 4x4 table, with 30 4x4x4 in cubes spread out on top of slabs. Anyone have any suggestions on how often i should water? the slabs stay wet for a long time too. I'm getting signs of over watering with leaves curling down. I currently water for 3 min every 3 hrs. Is this too...
  2. F

    Plant drooping...Leaves....???

    Hello all, Ok, so I had beautiful clones in rockwool 1 in cubes that rooted. Repoted them into dirt. as soon as the start ti show a bit of growth they all started to turn real yellow and the texture of the leaves are a bit tender with brown burnt spots on all of them (about 15 seperate plants)...
  3. F

    Pollen contamination from hemo plants

    Hello all, I had an issue during my last round indoors. Somehow a few plants hermaphed and released pollen onto the rest of the garden which of course resulted in thousands of seeds. So that crop is chopped and gone now. It's been about two weeks and about to set it back up(same room). The...