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  1. minibotwin

    Too Traumatized!?!

    Guys... (& girls)... I think I may cry :'(... My children have died on me. The boyfriend had his "know it all" friend come over & let him look at them. He then insisted on messing with them. He dug in my dirt "to check moisture levels". Which in turn messed up the roots. Combed thru the leaves...
  2. minibotwin

    Too Traumatized!?!

    So I know it's been quite a while... things have been quite hectic! But, my babies are no longer babies! They're big girls now!!! I cancelled the lst, & they're straight up. From dirt to top both are about 4ft! It's been a looong & slow process, but I wanted to make sure I did it right!-measure...
  3. minibotwin

    How do **YOU** rate weed?

    I'm definitely with ya on this one!
  4. minibotwin

    to late

    Yeah, you're still good now.. but not for much longer!
  5. minibotwin

    how can i lower humidity ??

    Yeah, definitely go for another fan. The air movement & circulation, especially if you can bring new air in (and don't live in a super humid climate)... That will definitely help bring the humidity down some. Not sure if that will be enough though.
  6. minibotwin

    need a lil help please

    I'm confused by the difference in the pics... Either way, yeah it's hard to say exactly what's going on there... They definitely look like they're too hot. So make sure you've got your light far enough away that you're not physically/literally burning them. & that the temp in the room isn't too...
  7. minibotwin

    Thank you :)

    Thank you :)
  8. minibotwin

    OMG! please help me with this. anyone!

    It doesn't matter where the smell came from or how dry they WERE... REDO it!
  9. minibotwin

    OMG! please help me with this. anyone!

    I agree with closetgrowth & bigmblazin.. take them out of anything they're in & hang dry them until they are DRY dry! Get *NEW* mason jars.. They're cheap as heck! Then go back to curing.
  10. minibotwin

    Too Traumatized!?!

    But.. But.. But.. Puhleeeease *pouty face* JK!! Haha.. How am I supposed to know you're broke!?!? :P Don't worry.. I'm broke too!! Had to move them off of their thing to take the pics.. One of these days I'll get it situated to take a pic of them, with how I've got them all set up. But...
  11. minibotwin

    Too Traumatized!?!

    Pick some up for me too! :P
  12. minibotwin

    Too Traumatized!?!

    I know I probably should be using FF... But the stuff I got the other day seems to be working fabulously!! My baby girls are looking awesome :) They've got they're color back, & they're really filling out. Which is *exactly* what I wanted!! YAY!! FYI: I'll probably get for any future gardening...
  13. minibotwin

    Simple Game...

    OOZE! haha :)
  14. minibotwin

    new to growing

    Yeah dude, they should be just fine.. Just keep watering them as usual. & hold off on adding any extra nutes for a few extra weeks & start off SUPER slow with them! Good luck :)
  15. minibotwin

    Too Traumatized!?!

    lol, Really!? Remove the pole!? haha jk! & jeepers you 2! Act like I'm crazy for thinking they're too old, why don't ya ;) I just didn't know, since ALL of the info you find out there says you need to do it within the first few weeks, like when they only have 3-4 sets of leaves, etc. I kept the...
  16. minibotwin

    Too Traumatized!?!

    I temporarily thought that... But the thoguht of transplanting AGAIN... just makes me cringe! & It's the same soil combo I've always used... Well, always used along side others... Idfk anymore... These 2 have been the biggest pain in my bum!!! Any suggestions!?
  17. minibotwin

    Too Traumatized!?!

    LOL @ your adhd symptoms... & TRUST ME deary, that wasn't the first nute I started on!!!! I literally have tried like 4 different things! This is surprisingly the only one that doesn't completely screw with them when used. But hell.. I'm starting to think that no nutes at all is probably my...
  18. minibotwin

    Please help my babies are burning!!!

    As far as I can see in the pic it just looks like a bunch of nute burn.. It's nothing too horrible! They're pretty young yet & there will be LOTS of new growth that should turn out fine. Just watch yourself with those nutes!! Maybe try to do a little more research online about pH levels, nutes...
  19. minibotwin

    Please help my babies are burning!!!

    I haven't.. But hell, what do I know!? If you got them from the local Hydro store, I'm sure they're fine. What matters most is what the #s are & how much you give them... & there's no REAL best # set to pick either, I was adviced 20-20-20 from all of my research, that nearly killed my plants...
  20. minibotwin

    Please help my babies are burning!!!

    One of the best soils you can use.. Not sure about that nute tho? As for now, just give them straight up water... Those leaves may never make a 100% recovery, but the rest of your new growth will be better off!