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  1. F

    Hydro/Aero questions

    Check out this video: Its very, very informative!!!
  2. F

    First official grow in progress!

    Hello All, Can I ask a question please? I planted bag seeds about 4-6 weeks ago. The plants look good, about 12" each. How long should I grow them in veg state? The books I read all say 3-6 months. What does everybody do here? Is it the good seeds that make bigger plants?
  3. F

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello, Good info here. I'm in US and a little nervous about the whole thing but here I am. New grow room 2x4x8. Bought the new flouro high output, 8 bulbs, 40,000 lumens. I've been growing for 5-6 weeks under 4' flouros, set of 8 i made. I just used bag seed. I hope it will be good. A...