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  1. TheGardenMan

    I need help ASAP!

    tie that baby down, tie some twine to the top and pull er down to the ground...should work just fine... -tgm
  2. TheGardenMan

    whats up from Canna-da

    cant wait to see it up man -tgm
  3. TheGardenMan

    OD '09 Where dreams come true

    Hey man how's it going, havent logged on and posted in a while now, but was surfing and had a few questions for ya. Your plants dont seem to be like there getting attacked by any animales or anything, but Im having alot of deer attacks. They've killed probly 10 or more of my plants and was...
  4. TheGardenMan

    1 oz of trim.1/2oz bud....And the honey bee...

    hmm i like opiates :) im back!!
  5. TheGardenMan

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    Yeah i remember you telling me that lol
  6. TheGardenMan

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    What strain is this thai ?
  7. TheGardenMan

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    thats about what size my plants are.
  8. TheGardenMan

    What are you listening too ?

    Family guy theme song :joint:
  9. TheGardenMan

    What are you listening too ?

    Crazy train!!!! :blsmoke:
  10. TheGardenMan

    Thegardenmans Outdoor Journal

    I most certainly will....Hopefully i get to take enough clones to keep all my strains going for a good while. :joint:
  11. TheGardenMan

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    What are you doing over there ? :evil: I read something about you adding cat food for nitrogen, I might give something like this a try when i transplant to the ground.....:mrgreen::bigjoint:
  12. TheGardenMan

    Thegardenmans Outdoor Journal

    I sold my smallest mango for 50$ :weed:
  13. TheGardenMan

    Thegardenmans Outdoor Journal

    You can kinda see the labels on the pots but its hard to read. The 3 that are grouped together are mango, and the 3 in the orange pots are jack herer, and the one thats singled out on the far right is widow skunk. Bongsmilie Thanks...I think im gonna put them in the ground today and try to get...
  14. TheGardenMan

    What are you listening too ?

    Great song...Im changing it up a little and turned it to led zepplin :hump:
  15. TheGardenMan

    Thought this picture was funny as hell =]

    No offense seriously, I like the guy :mrgreen:
  16. TheGardenMan

    Thought this picture was funny as hell =]

  17. TheGardenMan

    What are you listening too ?

    People sleepings :mrgreen::joint::joint: bongsmilie
  18. TheGardenMan

    Thegardenmans Outdoor Journal

    Ill take better pics later on today or tomorrow. Alls i have to do now is sit and wait......ahhh bongsmilie
  19. TheGardenMan

    kochab has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further mes

    Please emtpy your inbox......:mrgreen: I didnt know how to get ahold of you cause your not on any instant messengers. :blsmoke: