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  1. johnsmallberries

    300 Watt FLUOREX & CFL DWC MMJ

    The 5 remaining plants have filled out the tent nicely. This is right around 3 weeks into flower. And here is a close up of one of the Romulans: I'll try to keep this updated as the plants mature. Feel free to comment, post, smoke a bowl, etc. etc. :peace:
  2. johnsmallberries

    300 Watt FLUOREX & CFL DWC MMJ

    These are growing in GH nutes. There are 3 x 100 Watt Fluorex bulbs at 6500K and 6x 26watt 2700K CFLs. They are in a 2 foot by 4 foot Secret Jaden tent.
  3. johnsmallberries

    300 Watt FLUOREX & CFL DWC MMJ

    After the aphids were dead, things started looking better.
  4. johnsmallberries

    300 Watt FLUOREX & CFL DWC MMJ

    The clones came in soil and were transplanted to hydro. At least one of the plants had root aphids, they spread rapidly and ultimately killed the LA Conf. Mosquito Dunks were effective on the aphids, but the growth was stunted for a few weeks and the plants were slow to root out.
  5. johnsmallberries

    300 Watt FLUOREX & CFL DWC MMJ

    Just thought I'd post some pictures of a FLUOREX and CFL grow. These are 6 medial dispensary clones. 2 Romulan 1 Jack H. 1 NYC Diesel 1 LA Confidential 1 AK 47 This first picture is a week or so after the plants were placed in a DWC system, hydroton/rockwool, net pots, etc.
  6. johnsmallberries

    How do i use mosquito dunks????????????????

    what kind of system are you using?. I have rockwool and hydroton in net pots and I keep the water level at about the bottom of the the basket. I started out with 6 diffent clones I got at 3 different medical dispensaries. These were all barely rooted out in a small amount of soil. I knocked...
  7. johnsmallberries

    Getting rid of root aphids

    I've had reasonably good luck controlling root aphids using Mosquito Dunks. Supposedly, they are organic. I've also been adding H2O2 and I dropped the water temp. from about 74F to 62F. Roots are looking strong and what few bugs are left are looking weak. I've also read that Bayer Tree and...
  8. johnsmallberries

    Fantabulous Crock Pot Cannabutter w/Soy Lecithin

    I can't wait to give this a try :)
  9. johnsmallberries

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    well, my little green bastards are back. I definatley killed about 75% of them. time for round two. angryface.jpg
  10. johnsmallberries

    Who's battling root aphids?!

    Mosquito Dunks, anyone try Mosquito Dunks? Guy at the LHS recommended them for my root aphids, 1 day later, hundreds of dead bugs appear on the floor of my tent. All the ones I see in my DWC grodan/hydroton setup are black and dead. A few...
  11. johnsmallberries

    help with nutes for my first grow?

    I'm using General Hydroponics 3 micro to 1 grow to 0.5 bloom for veg, started at about 700 ppm and moved it up to 1100. Ph 5.5-5.8. Water temp at 72 F. Seems to be working well. Planing to go 1 micro to 0 grow to 1 bloom for flowering take it up to about 1,400 ppm then I'll flush it the last two...
  12. johnsmallberries

    root aphids/gnats/mites???

    I dunno, I found what I think are root aphids on the roots in my DWC system two days ago. They were like, tiny green beetles, with little heads and little legs and little root eating grins on their little faces. The guy at the hydroponics store sold me some "Mosquito Dunks" which are chemical...
  13. johnsmallberries


    I got my re-shipment from speedy. My first order was delayed by the volcano, took over a month. When I asked for a tracking number, speedy volunteered to re-ship. Those came in and I guess I got 2-for-1 on that order. I'll order from speedy again, fo sho.
  14. johnsmallberries

    speedy seedz

    Just got my April 9th order from!!!!! Stats: Order placed 4.9.2010 - late at night on Friday. Order shipped 4.14.2010 - the following Wednesday, not too bad. Delivered 5.15.2010 - due to volcano ash, mail was sent by boat not by plane. Speedy also sent me the...
  15. johnsmallberries

    speedy seedz

    I sent an email yesterday to and got a response back in 15 minutes. It looks like the ash cloud is back, could be in for more snail-mail from Yurip. :sad: -------------- Ash from Iceland's volcano shuts European airports Volcanic ash forces closure of airports across...