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  1. T

    Hii dude :D It's actually going quite great.. I cut the nutes a bit down for about a week, and...

    Hii dude :D It's actually going quite great.. I cut the nutes a bit down for about a week, and now they grow faster than ever :P There were only two females in this bunch though :S How about yours, how are they doing? :P Btw. I've already bought the components for bubblegrowing :D Can't wait!
  2. T

    Burnt leaf edges and my own confusion.

    We'll a little update. They're not getting worse, actually all of them have grown a bit since i posted XD Quite a bit >D So I think I might have burned them a bit by foliar spray.. 200 miles?! :oDamn! Then I'll praise myself lucky.. Got a store near me which only sells MJ growing supplies...
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    Burnt leaf edges and my own confusion.

    #smokie927: Do you think I could keep them in the pots they are in now and still get a decent yield? I'm really not that comfortable transplanting them either since I'm about to move and thinking it might give them a big shock.. #LightningMcGreen: I'm using a blend of soil.. One half nusery...
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    Burnt leaf edges and my own confusion.

    The dirt part I can certainly agree on XD Since its my first real grow I haven't gotten around to dedicating a whole room for the grow, so I kinda messed up my bathroom when transplanting :D I'm so looking forward to begin my hydro grow since I'm somewhat experienced in computer programming...
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    Burnt leaf edges and my own confusion.

    Hi LightningMcGreen >D Thanks for your reply, I've been waiting idly by my computer for someone to see my thread :D I'll try cutting back the nutes for a while till they get better.. I'm a bit afraid of flushing the plant atm. since they have already been flushed once because of my...
  6. T

    Is it dying? idk help me!

    I'm not experienced, but I'd say you better get a stick on it before it falls over :) And maybe get it a little more wind for stem growth.. But as I said, I'm not an experienced grower, yet ^^,
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    Burnt leaf edges and my own confusion.

    Anyone out there? ^^,
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    Burnt leaf edges and my own confusion.

    Hi everybody This is my first time grow ever under somewhat optimal circumstances in my current situation. Recently my plant have shown signs of what I think is Mg def. and therefore I started to foliar spray them with a Epsom salt solution (1 teaspoon of Epsom/1L). They also receive...