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  1. D

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    That was absolutely not the point of my post.
  2. D

    47% of Tea Baggers dont pay federal taxes hypocrisy insues

    Going to make strictly one comment about this: I paid only 48 dollars in taxes last year (to the feds) because of Obama credits. Does that mean I do not have the right to criticize our tax system? Do I believe I was fairly taxed? No. Do I still have the right to argue our social spending is...
  3. D

    Legalization in GA???

    I know it's completely illegal in Florida, though you can get Marinol, but that's about it. Probably the same situation in Georgia.. Sorry about your health my friend :(
  4. D

    When Marijuana is Legalized Nationwide, What Happens to Incarcerated ?

    It was still a crime at the time, no matter how unjust, unrealistic, financially unsound, socially incorrect, etc it is in retrospect. The fact that policia actively harass, fine, and incarcerate free citizens shows just how backwards and regressive we are...
  5. D

    If a Full egalization Bill Ever Passes in Any State....

    Once lawmakers (crooks) see the cash (yum!) from one decriminalized environment, the rest will follow. Some will take time or resist it, but it will eventually transpire across all states. I wouldn't be surprised to see a couple of super red states hold out for a very long while depending on...
  6. D

    post you fav mix drinks here

    Vodka and redbull for sure. But Vodka and orange juice, too. Or Cranberry juice. Or Dr. Pepper. Or Coke. Or anything with vodka!
  7. D

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    Well, I can't imagine there are any forums that blatantly post sources unless it is an invite forum only.
  8. D

    Advice? Please?

    Okay, well, here's what I'd do: If I'm in good with my girlfriend (ie this will not cause strife) and I really don't want to see the movie/hate those particular friends of hers, I'm going to sit my happy ass at home and get high. Maybe play a little Ps3, maybe read a book. Whatever I want to...
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    I like the new site platform.. looks nice.

    I think it looks a bit better, but I can't comment too much on functionality since I'm relatively new here. Super new here.
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    Can you belive this?

    Man, I totally wish I was even remotely close to a place like that. Here we go straight to jail even thinking of such a thing.
  11. D

    guys i need you to cool me down

    This is about shrooms? It's hard for me to even tell based on your post, but I'm not that experienced with it. Sounds crazy... I need to learn about it.
  12. D

    Exxon made 45 billion in profit and paid $0 in federal income taxes

    I'm pretty disgusted by the situation of our country in regards to taxes. It's a nightmare.
  13. D

    How does spice gold or diamond compare to weed

    What does that even mean? Do you have experience with the chem?
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    Help on growin Shrooms for new people

    Well, I find that I would also be interested in the same topic. I can't say I know much about it specifically, but I'm going to follow with interest the discussion here.
  15. D

    How does spice gold or diamond compare to weed

    Don't buy the spice, buy the core ingredient. The answer to your question is yes and no - there are both positive and negative aspects associated with this chemical compound in regards to a direct comparison to marijuana. For example, some positives include the affordability as compared to...
  16. D

    Help on growin Shrooms for new people

    Criticism can be constructive. You know that, right?
  17. D

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    To be quite frank, I already have most of what I need in reliable areas, but there are some which could use improvement. I'd be glad to compare and contrast notes with anyone interested. I will take note of what you've said and the notion is appreciated.
  18. D

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    I appreciate the warm welcome.
  19. D

    Supposed Place to Buy 2C-I & 2C-E

    And how exactly do you figure that is the case?
  20. D

    Exxon made 45 billion in profit and paid $0 in federal income taxes

    I don't really understand, a quick Google result brought me this article: In addition, the Forbes article indicates they paid 17 billion in tax. What I'm not understanding is that if you're suggesting it's not going to the...