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  1. HydroHutGuy

    some perspective please...

    those are gonna shrink up by about half. probably looking at 1/4-1/2 oz. not bad for one light. let it dry slowly man. might as well maximize what you have. Cheers!
  2. HydroHutGuy

    Everyone Please Vote On This Yield Poll

    I grow hydro and my plants rarely get 5 feet more like 2.5-3 ft max. average last crop was 2oz per plant. pics in link
  3. HydroHutGuy

    All my plants have Buds growing out of the leaves!!!!!!

    bilbo, what strain is that? Only time I've ever seen that happen is after topping the plants too late into veg.
  4. HydroHutGuy

    Trimming and Terpenoids

    so produced in the same resin gland but not actually in the resin?? I'm confused. interesting post though.
  5. HydroHutGuy

    Can I use low odor strain and no tent??

    most of the odor that people notice usually comes during the drying and curing process. If you have trouble keeping the living plants odor under control, you're screwed at harvest.
  6. HydroHutGuy

    medical marijuana

    the law is as follows. note the last line which states that ANY condition from which you suffer and that cannabis offers relief from. Text of Prop. 215Compassionate Use Act of 1996Health and Safety Code Section 11362.5 Sec. (1) a-b The people of the State of California hereby find and...
  7. HydroHutGuy

    Where Do I find a powerful enough magnifying glass to see color of trichomes?

    yeah oddly enough the cheap one from radio shack is actually the best one I found. just make sure the one you get magnifies at least 60%. the radio shack one does 60x and 100x magnification. works well.
  8. HydroHutGuy

    All the pretty crystals. WARNING: large embedded pics

    Lookin frosty there. nice work. What strain is she?
  9. HydroHutGuy

    250w hps in small area

    even if you are cooling the bulb, if you have it too close to your plants they will burn. about 12 inches clearance from the tops of the plants should be acceptable.
  10. HydroHutGuy

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    well I harvested one of the ladies last nite. probably gonna wait another week on the rest.
  11. HydroHutGuy

    First pics of my Purple Kush

    Nope... on this grow I just did the set it and forget it method. I didn't even pull fan leaves other than 2 TEST plants. this grow was a bit of a test run.
  12. HydroHutGuy

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    No C02 on this grow. considering it for the next one.
  13. HydroHutGuy

    2000 watts in a 6x6 tent

    I have almost identical setup only my hut is 4x6. you can check it out at the link if you want. I'm expecting a little over 2 lbs.
  14. HydroHutGuy

    First pics of my Purple Kush

    some nice legs on that Lady. Lookin good pal. hoping to do a purple strain on my next grow.
  15. HydroHutGuy

    Orange hairs 30 days into flowering?

    I've noticed this happened to me on a bud or two that I pinched to check density or that I accidentally hit while watering etc.... I wouldn't worry.
  16. HydroHutGuy

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    Just a few more pics. hard to get close ups under the HID's. how do most others take their closeup shots?? any suggestions? I have a 12 MP camera. thanx
  17. HydroHutGuy

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    thanks guys. I have the microscope and been flushing for a week already. should the leaves be yellowing already because they aren't. plants still looking really green after a week of just water. hard to tell by just looking at the trich's. I guess they mostly look clear/cloudy amber...
  18. HydroHutGuy

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    any feedback is welcomed also thanks.
  19. HydroHutGuy

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    Hi Guys. I am at week 9 since flipping to 12/12. do these look ready yet? strains are OG and Hindu...thanks full grow journal at the link
  20. HydroHutGuy

    100% sealed system.... Why vent the hoods?

    I use a HydroHut and I notice about a 10-15 degree difference when not venting the hoods. much cheaper to keep the tent cool by using vented hoods rather than making the A/C work harder. better for the A/C unit too.