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  1. M

    seedling issue. plz look

    may be too much light for the seedling. heat stress? if u repot it will stress that baby out bigtime. i recently repotted my 6 week olds and they took a week to recover. i have no probs with mg. not sure u can buy ff in canada
  2. M


    would it make them stretch too much if i move the light? now its 2 to 3 feet above the babies.
  3. M


    thanks has the cool tube on it and im blowin a fan thru it and another around the plants.just need to get some 6 inch duct and vent it outside.
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    ive been growin some lr2 and some bagseed under cfl lighting and its been slow goin to say the least. yesterday i found a 1000 watt hps light for a pretty good price and the lr2 plants doubled in size today. unbelievable. my only prob is the heat. im set up in the attic of my barn and temps are...
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    Moles asses

    does the box say unsulphered?
  6. M

    Moles asses

    is the molasses just the regular grandma brand u buy at the grocery store?
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    this light has a big tube around the bulb. is this to hook up some dryer venting and hook it to a fan? does it take away the heat closer to bulb?
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    hey all. i just went from cfl lighting to a 1000 watt hps light and i was wondering how far from the plants should i hang it? it produces an awful amount of heat. i have it about 3 to 4 feet above my 3 to 4 week old plants. is this too hi? the temp at this level is about 80 degrees. im wonderin...
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    when to start outdoor

    im in eastern ontario and the rule of thumb here is 2nd or 3rd week in may due to the chance of gettin frost..
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    HardCorps' First Bagseed LST Closet Grow

    no kiddin about movin it outside. dude have u lost ur mind? would this not stink badly when flowering even with the febreeze concoction?
  11. M


    great thanks. im just sexing them now. plus i have 10 lowryder seeds that all germed and 9 are almost 3 to 4 inches tall after 2 weeks. 1 is on life support as the shell is just falling off now. ive been reading on here for weeks so im still not up to speed yet but learning quickly. is it too...
  12. M


    i recently planted some seeds i found in my baggie of stash. so obviously it came from an unpollinated female plant. will it still produce good smoke or does the seed need to be repollinated?