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  1. M

    I Have A Female!!!!!!

    I changed the lighting on my 2 3 month old plants 4 days ago and today i am in chcking on thm and watering them talking to them blahblahblah, i start looking real close to the shortr of the 2 (by 1/2 in) and low and behold it has started to produce hairs in some spots whil the other plant looks...
  2. M

    Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

    I am a girl i dont post much anymore but i am here :)
  3. M

    Why do you smoke weed?

    :evil::evil::evil:i smoke because it helps me sleep, helps me relax, not want to kill everyone around me!!! plus i love the taste ans smell and mmmmm yummy!!!! DAMN I HAVE BEEN OUT FOR 3 WEEKS, I WANT SOME WEED, EVERYONE IS DRY!!!!!!:evil::evil::evil:
  4. M

    Started over...

    top shelf in my 2nd bathroom, 7 60w CFLs, I am now down to 4 and a newly germinated seed. I know why so few of my plants servived i broke 2 of them and the soil was tainted I cant really explain it but I bought new soil and the others seem to be doing great....
  5. M

    Started over...

    bag seed, it was good weed just really seedy so i took advantage of that .....
  6. M

    Started over...

    Well I planted 10 seeds on the 18th and only 5 servived. But at least 2 of them are growing perfectly, while the others are slightly deformed, it will correct itself I am hoping. I have no pictures right now but as soon as I get my digi back from my sister I will post pics.
  7. M

    They told me to get rid of them !

    I had a simalar situation when I moved in with my sister, she didnt care that they were there at all. however her step daughter went to the cops and told them her dad was beating her and i had to kill my babies, they were so beautiful to, just getting to the point where I was going to flower...
  8. M

    Illinois/Wisconsin area growers

    close enough i am sick of it too.. its alright it will be gone soon enough.
  9. M

    So whats your occupation?

    I work at a restaraunt
  10. M

    I need info.....

    its been like 4 years since i have been to canada but last time they didnt even want passports, even then they never checked the ids we did have, and they did not search us asked us where we were going on the way in and we said vancouver to see the sites easy, on the way out same thing our reply...
  11. M

    I have a seedling....

    nope sorry I just moved in about a month ago and left my digital camera at my sisters... maybe in a few days I can post.
  12. M

    I have a seedling....

    its out and soaking up the light I dont know how many days old at this point. But I am hoping it fairs well and grows as big as shorty and roberta were....:cry: anyways just an update on my new plant....
  13. M

    Lowryder #2 guessing game.

    I am gonna guess 15
  14. M

    I hate snow!!!

    I hear that. I am ready to go back to cali.
  15. M

    I hate snow!!!

    the weather here has been so fing screwy it was 30 2 days agao and all the snoww was finaaly melted then today its 4 degrees and fking snowing again we are supposed to have 5 inches again. I hate it and to top it all off I have been sick as fck. GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!:evil: My dealer wont come out in...
  16. M

    I need info.....

    Hey I dont live too far from canada maybe I can convince Hubby to take a weekend trip, where is the best place to buy ther?
  17. M

    I need info.....

  18. M

    I need info.....

    they dont sell the lowryder any other sites???
  19. M

    I need info.....

    I need to know a US friendly seed bank that sells lowryder or other other autoflowering strains. They must be safe and reliable. any help would be appreciated.
  20. M

    One of my seeds had poped:)

    just to clear this up I do care, But I only have 2 seeds and only one poped so if it ends up being a male I guess I am SOL. any how in the end I am buying seeds soon and I have decdied to go with an auto flowering strain, (and alos maybe some nothern lights) . I know many of you will tell me...