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  1. X

    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    thx man... soo for my plant the only thing i can do is to throw it in the garbadge right?:-(
  2. X

    BIg nooB needs help

    it's my first time grwing and im freaking out .. i guess my plant is dying.. few days ago one of my plant got some dead leaves on the top of it (picture ) so i cut the dead leave. i think its coz i put the light 24/24 and giving water at the same time.(i know im a noob) i wana know if my plant...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    thx for the answer.. but im japaneese i dont really understand teknikal words.... can u make it a bit easier to understand? soory bout that..
  4. X

    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    it's my first time grwing and im freaking out .. i guess my plant is dying.. few days ago one of my plant got some dead leaves on the top of it (picture ) so i cut the dead leave. i think its coz i put the light 24/24 and giving water at the same time.(i know im a noob) i wana know if my plant...
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    Newbie Grower Managed to make it to flowering before major problems Advice?

    i need help guys it's my first time growing and im freking lost... this is one of the three plats im growing (california orange) few days ago one of them got some dead leaves on the top of it.. iguess its coz i let the light 24/24 and gave them water under the light.. i want to know if this...