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  1. growing303

    How much does your weed sell for?

    I would be happy to see LBS go for that, out here you get 2600 wholesale on GRADE:A
  2. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    I sent my ph pen back to hanna instruments about 10 days ago. Although it was calibrated the electrode was bad, i have been using a drip kit. plants are 32 days old and seem to be affected by the ph instability.
  3. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    Made some changes to the set up, individual pots seems a little more clean. changed the water, used tap water this time instead of bottled.plants are 21 days old.
  4. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    I soaked my hydroton in 5.8 water for about 20hrs; although there are some obvious red stains on the trey where i can see that they were not entirely clean. Do you think it is important that i give them another rinse? Thank you for the advise, i usually wait for my plants to develop four nodes...
  5. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    plants are looking good, i will post a picture soon. I added five gallons to my reservoir (now 15 gallons). the ph seems to be fluctuating less.
  6. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    I put a elbow in my out line today and it seems much stronger. i also am flooding seven times during the day, the plants are looking more healthy
  7. growing303

    EBB & Flow Question

    i put the gasket on the inside, if you are worried about leaks (as was I) maybe use some aquarium silicone
  8. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    my reservoir is checked and reset to 5.8 two or three times per day, each time it seems to be adjusted from about 7.1, I use Spring water (ph about seven) the burn is making me nervous, but to some extent i feel they are too young to be developing deficiencies. What do you think?
  9. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    Hey roll it up, it has been raining every day so the house is getting a bit damp. I put my ballast in a waterproof tray to keep it totally dry. Changed and ph'ed my reservoir to 5.8 last night, when i checked it this morning it was at 7.1 but was readjusted to 5.8. I ph'ed at 10pm and it had...
  10. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    plants are looking good, the discoloration from the previous post is still there. a bit concerning. i installed a 8x8" light proof vent today hope to get temps down a bit.
  11. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    hey roll it up this is a 4x2 ebb and flow table, 400w MH on the plants now. a roughly 250CMF fan pulling air out of the top of the cab. lights are on 18/6 and flood is 4 times per day never at night, the reservoir is ten gallons(5.8ph) a air stone runs 24/7. the strain is super silver haze the...
  12. growing303

    400W Ebb and Flow Super Silver Haze

    Hey roll it up this is my 400w ebb and flow garden.
  13. growing303

    PC grow box Ak-47! first grow

    day about 16. should i add some nutrients soon? its over 2 weeks old, looking good. the yellow is just from the camera. its all green
  14. growing303

    PC grow box Ak-47! first grow

    nope, sorry for the title its BG kush
  15. growing303

    PC grow box Ak-47! first grow

    day 13
  16. growing303

    PC grow box Ak-47! first grow

    day 12
  17. growing303

    PC grow box Ak-47! first grow

    day 10
  18. growing303

    PC grow box Ak-47! first grow

    Day 7
  19. growing303

    PC grow box Ak-47! first grow

    about day 5, new leaves look green. but the lower older ones are bad. what do you think? slow growing?