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  1. I

    Dammit. Hydro Tomatoes Crashed

    I'm working on starting a business producing and marketing pesticide free vegetables, herbs and flowers to local consumers, restaurants, schools and stores. I am new to hydro So I have a small nft hydroponic system set up that I built with 4"PVC, it has a 27 gallon res and I've been feeding...
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    Florida Senate passes "Bong Bill"

    Yeh Crist needs to go, Check out Alex Snitker, he's not a career politician, just a regular dude, ex marine and just got fed up with all of the corruption in government and now he's running for Florida Senate. The current representatives who are making the laws do not represent myself or anyone...
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    Florida Senate passes "Bong Bill" Despite organized opposition from smoke shop owners across the state, the Florida Senate passed a bill that will effectively shut down most headshops in the Sunshine State. Under the so-called "Bong Bill," the only...
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    Why is every synthetic substance becoming illegal?

    Yeh, you're right, my mistake I was thinking of pseudoephedrine
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    Why is every synthetic substance becoming illegal?

    Because, anything that cant be patented and owned by a big Pharmaceutical company cuts into their profit margins and they have massive amounts of lobbyists that go to congress and get them to pass laws to ban any substance that could pose a threat to their business. The government sure as...
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    moving seedlings to an established system

    Hey, I have a question about seedlings, actually not mj but vegetable seedlings. I figure it still applies. I have an already established NFT system running at around 950ppm right now and I have seedlings under lights in various stages of growth, the oldest ones just started getting a very...
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    Once somebody snitches, what is the next step?

    I always thought the next step was the aforementioned snitch gets beat
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    the police really fucked me

    not trying to defend the cops by any means but put this in another perspective, you have a prescription and a card so you're legal. Now suppose it was some other prescription drug...IDK, vicoden or something. So instead of weed you have a scrip of vicodine and you and your boys are sitting in...
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    Bongs and pipes on airplanes
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    What is up with Fla?

    First of all, I've been reading the site for awhile now and finally registered. anyway, This state has the most ridiculous mj laws in the US and while other states are relaxing and decriminalizing Fla increased the penalties for possession and cultivation, now 25 plants will make you a...