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  1. T

    I got a Trillion dollars

    Yeah man I think you got jived. I got a hundred trillion and fifty trillion dollar bill from zimbabwe also but due to massive inflation over there that much money in their currency system is really nothing, like a $50 or $100 here MAYBE. And like you said, they don't make them anymore which is...
  2. T

    Anybody Know How To Make Mary Jane Tea?

    I used to make mary jane hot chocolate by heating about 1 - 1 1/2 cups of whole milk in a saucepan with a lid on medium-med. low. I added about a gram of bud and a couple small scoops of keif when the milk was still cold then let it slowly heat up, simmer and eventually boil. Let it boil for...
  3. T

    anybody else here a loner stoner ?

    I enjoy smoking with friends because we often laugh a lot together but I also prefer smoking alone. I have no distractions except for the ones I choose like music I can get lost in or a TV show but those dont stop my mind from going into like constant deep thinking and wondering about things. I...
  4. T

    Your Stoner Lingo

    My phrase of choice would probably be "getting toasted"or "toast it up"
  5. T

    What Can I Do With My Fan Leaves?

    I feel you bro, I discovered the exact same thing on my plant of about the same age just a few hours ago and it is also my first. I guess just turn one and burn one to the gods and hope for better luck on the next onem thats what im gonna do haha
  6. T

    First Time Cooking Oreos

    Sounds to me like it would work. I make a similar concoction with peanut butter and ritz only i bake it instead of cooking it in a pan. But as long as the oil had enough fat and enough time to absorb the THC it seems like a solid plan to me.