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  1. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    All been topped waiting to be cloned and flowered
  2. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    Soz peeps things have been hectic to say the least.
  3. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    Thanks for the comments guys ill post some pics in the next few days. Peace
  4. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    you really are stupid you know that you know nothing about growing pot nothing at all. the preflower stage lasted about a week so they are more like 2 weeks in flower trust me bud i know what im talking about
  5. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    you just said it my man ive managed to raise seeds take clones and have the mothers at the end of the 1st week of flower in 8 weeks not bad if i say so my self. what have you done in the past 8 weeks when it comes to growing??
  6. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    they are 1 week in flower man did you go to special school. 3 weeks since i switched the lights 2 weeks preflower stage 1 week flower= 3weeks
  7. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    i dont think you quite understand i have brought these plants on from seed and put them into flower before they were ready to be flowered so what i am saying to you is that for the 1st 2 weeks the plants were not in flower but in preflower so my plants are at the end of week 1 of flower. when i...
  8. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    Do you know about cannabis botany?? Do you know about the preflower stage also known as the stretch it lasts one to two weeks when you switch the lights so the plants can prepare for heavy flowering or if you veg them long enough they will reach it on there own you idiot. There are pistils and...
  9. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    dinafem go plant some seeds grow some pot then get back to me reading things on the web and actually doing them are two different things my man. I mean look at your name no meaning or thought just shite and im guessing your full of it two.
  10. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    ha ha ha what a joker
  11. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    after two days of trying its worked maybe the system was down. about 2 to 3 weeks in so just about finished the stretch and into flower they are ready for the clean up tomorrow. Peace
  12. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    for some reason this gay site wont let me post pics it wouldnt last night it wont this morning argh i will try when i get home from work
  13. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    Sorry i aint posted pics been a busy weekend i will take some tomorrow after work. Peace
  14. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    I live in the uk and use to stay very near to where the exodus collective started so i have smoked plenty of the real deal. my hopes are high for these girls but i cant see them coming near to the real thing. ill be posting pics tommorow i have identified one plant that i dont think i will be...
  15. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    look shrig this is gh exodus cheese not the real exodus cheese the real exodus cheese is only avalable in clone form in the uk. where are you based
  16. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    so here they are look at the freaky clones
  17. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    Kether they stink allready mate and they are only just starting to show sex. two of my clones have extra node sites 1 has 4 and the other has 3 very exciting.
  18. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    New pics tomorrow theres been a few changes i have my clones all alive and well and the mothers have been into flower for about a week and are loving life at the min. Peace
  19. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    So here are some pics i took yesterday before i topped and repotted them. they all made it through there ordeal with no problems. Ill post some new pics in a few days. Peace bongsmilie
  20. Cannaman C

    GH Exodus Cheese

    So here we are at about 2 weeks. 8 seeds sprouted but only 5 of em were worth keeping so here they are. There is also a pic of mt empty flower chamber :-(