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  1. B

    please help!!!

    true... the scope is almost here so i will know soon enough lol thanks!
  2. B

    please help!!!

    yea i try not to go by the hairs tho
  3. B

    please help!!!

    my roomate bringing a microscope soon but i think this shit is done it looks totally different
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    please help!!!

    so my baby been flowering for about 7 or so weeks now, and i checked it last night and it was almost like the buds had a crazy ass glow to them that i havent noticed before... think its done? help!!!!
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    there will be no problems they can bud with anywhere from 10-14 hours of light. Different hours of light when budding has different effects on the plant i think if it stays on 14 you will yeild more 10 more potent.
  6. B

    switching from led to hps middle of flower

    over 50 veiws no ideas? sugestions?
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    switching from led to hps middle of flower

    there is not much bud on my plant at all its a tall one not very bushy indica i think i always get them confused. i am growing in soil and using a generic nut 15-30-15 and superthrive. it just started getting red hairs, id say there is maybe 2g worth of bud on it its not very tall. the pot is...
  8. B

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    can anybody tell me if its any good to water from the bottom of your plant. should i even bother with it or what? also how to super crop i want a bushy ass plant!!! do i just top the shit out it or what?... and lasty i have been making a tea with bat guano for a veg nut and getting alot of burn...
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    Why is my plant so hungry???

    you must be the dr dolittle of plants? lol jkjk good read explains alot... really
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    How long left?

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    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    wht nutes are you using and whats your grow medium??!
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    Quick Noob question on how much water to add for mixing these nutes please help!

    read them and do like quarter strength to start out
  13. B

    4 Weeks into first grow, looking for advice

    yo what do you use they look good bro
  14. B

    veg: 160 watt daylight tubes or 80 watt daylight tubes, 150 watt red led

    or 160 watt daylight and the led! thats alot of dough on the light bill i already got some budding under the 400 hps do i even need that much its only like a 5 inch plant just transplanted today
  15. B

    how long after seeds germinate and are planted in soil do they break ground?

    sometimes they will just grow in a circle in the soil and never sprut up. i give mine till the 3rd day n carefully check them if they look like they are growing in a circle i point them in the right direction
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    400 hps

    thanks you very much
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    400 hps

    just came in today just wondering how far from plant it should be?
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    inside sun

    thank you. i am sorry i wasnt able to male the best deals thread.
  19. B

    inside sun

    has anybody orderd from these people? there stuff is really cheap just wondering if they are legit.