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  1. F

    First Time Grow.- need help

    how much do you water in the morning and how much when you get home. I would suggest just watering in the morning as Over-watering seems to be a mistake allot of first time growers make (so I've read) but I am a first timer myself so some veteran input would be nice.
  2. F

    busted outdoors!

    not sure about marijuana but I know that In Hawaii they use a similar method to find invasive non native plants. Using helicopters and photos they can tell where the invasive species are by the light reflected because it is different than the native plants around it. And I'm sure if they can do...
  3. F

    Transitioning indoor -> outdoor

    -Denofearth69 found that on another thread Any comments or other opinions?
  4. F

    Transitioning indoor -> outdoor

    oh ya additional info: my plants are a little over 2 weeks since they sprouted and are on there 3rd node. currently they are inside under CFL's. right now they are in little plantable pots and I plan on putting them in 3 gal buckets.
  5. F

    Transitioning indoor -> outdoor

    Is it better to ease plants into an outdoor environment by setting them outside more and more everyday until they are finally left to grow outdoors. Or can they just be planted outside right away?