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  1. J

    Show Off Your Auto

    got 3 easy riders, first grow so have had some minor setbacks but think they'll come out good :weed: One is topped, one is normal and the third is bound down around the pot - what surprises me is that the topped one is the one looking the best. biggest buds and more trichromes, but hope the...
  2. J

    Easy Ryder, flower to harvest - Autoflower

    Afternoon RIU:) the lower fanleaves are starting to turn yellow and wither, is this something to worry about? My computer is giving me hell these days, at a friends place so cant upload any pics right now. It's been really hot the past few days, and the temp in the room have increased to...
  3. J

    Easy Ryder, flower to harvest - Autoflower

    Hey RIU! :) Been browsing the forum for some weeks now, and about time i began posting aswell! I bring to you my first grow-log!:joint::mrgreen: Setup: 400w HPS exhaust-fan with coal filter all walls covered in Mylar CANNA fertilizers My three babies have reached puberty, been...