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  1. K

    Thinking of R.O. water? You may want to think again.

    Ya but we are not talking about the worst case scenario. I'm talking about health. Healthy plants will thrive and produce better in both quantity and quality ending with great production. Same for a dog.. You feed a dog grade A food, dog will have a higher chance of having healthier longer...
  2. K

    Thinking of R.O. water? You may want to think again.

    I am thinking of going RO. Using coco. Grow was going well until after a couple of tap waterings, and a tap flush and plants have been looking like shit since. (suspecting its a ph lock out, which causes nutrient lock as well). Outta wack. Will be doing some testing this week, once my meters...
  3. K

    Fan leaves dying after flush.

    Could it be too much calcium? I am using tap water PH lock out causing all kind of def..
  4. K

    Fan leaves dying after flush.

    Day 42 in flower growing in coco with perlite 25%. Sunleaves coco fiber brand never flushed it..:wall: Using Floranova Bloom + calmag. After I decided to flush at day 40 the fan leaves are now drying up to the crisp curling up and eventually falling off..that bad. Rust spots on leaves. FNB has...
  5. K

    First attitude order snagged by customs

    This just happened to me today. Got my package today with green tape from custom, MUG inside but no beans... Hopefully Attitude reships..
  6. K

    My first attitude order-siezed

    Ugh... Same thing just happend to me today. My package got delivered today from Attitude and there was the "Green custom tape" I opened the package and there was the MUG only with NO seeds. The tracking info said it went thru ISC CHICAGO so there is my answer.. I contacted Attitude with my...
  7. K

    I want to grow longer. Need some advice please

    Growing a plant now, it started to pre-flower a few pistils here and there i can clearly see. My question can I continue vegging her for longer. Shes on 18/6 right now. Do I need to switch to 24 hrs and keep the light on her?
  8. K

    Can I switch to 24hrs?

    Can you throw plants under 24hours cycle to veggie more after being in 12/12 for 2weeks? Will it grow more?
  9. K

    HPS bulb. Is this normal?

    I purchased a used Sunlight Supply 400watt HPS fixture. It turns on fine and everything works. I don't know if the bulb is any good tho. It rattles when i hold it and give it a lil shake. The inside of the bulbs is hitting the glass from inside. It makes a rattle noise. What does that mean? Is...
  10. K

    How long will it take?

    I'm doing 18/6, but Now that I topped them, I switched to 24hrs...I will continue that light schedule for one week, then switch back to 18/6.
  11. K

    How long will it take?

    ok I am confused here I dont understand. Here are the plants sorry bout the crappy phone pix. Anyways, Im doing LST and just Topped em yesturday. SO now I should look for those 2 sprouts that should be growing taller? And the part I cut will heal and stop growing correct?
  12. K

    How long will it take?

    you mean each branch? or no?
  13. K

    How long will it take?

    Oh i see it makes more sense to me now. THanks alot. Would it be a problem if I topped 4 main shoots on a plant around the same time?
  14. K

    How long will it take?

    what do u mean it doesn't grow back?
  15. K

    How long will it take?

    does anyone know, I am worried because the part i cut off is now dark brown in color...Is it going to heal and grow back? Its my first time topping a plant. Anybody? Advices are much appreciated
  16. K

    How long will it take?

    I just topped my plant. Its vegging at 5weeks now. I topped them yesturday. How long will it take for them to sprout back?
  17. K

    Fert burn..? Need some help...

    Pics: In the process of training That close up pic is of the smallest plant at 27days old. Look at those bottom leaves developing slowly..
  18. K

    Fert burn..? Need some help...

    Thanks a lot for the help, pics on the way.
  19. K

    Fert burn..? Need some help...

    When I say "Dry" I mean I don't add anything to the plants when I water feed em. I simply use water, only water nothing else is added to FFOF. I am talking about the dry nutes/ferts already in the soil from the FFOF company that added the ferts/nuts in their soil mix. Now what I am trying to...
  20. K

    Storing Fox Farm

    Store it in a cool dark climate