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  1. W

    how important is the temp range between day and night?

    hi all, i recentley had a temp problem, the temps during the day (which is the plant's night) dropped too low. i solved this by putting in a radiator and now the temp doesnt drop lower than 68. the thing is that when the lights are on i also have the vents on, and so the temp is around 72. so...
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    temp and ventilation trade-off

    ok im still having trouble... i tried reducing the vents as much as i could. the lights are on till 8am, and when the lights go out the vents also stop. the problem is in the following hours, when the temp goes down as low as 53. what can i do? should i install some kind of heating? should i...
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    temp and ventilation trade-off

    ok, thanks for the responses, but still, what should i do? keep it on all the time and let the temp drop or turn it on for 15min every hour or 2 and keep it warmer but not stable?
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    temp and ventilation trade-off

    hi everyone! latley we're having cold nights, and the temp in the closet goes down to around 60F. bcz i have 2 vents (one monster vent that takes air out and a small one for intake) i turned off the big one, and the temps are ok but the air doesnt feel so fresh. i didnt mention - my plants are...
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    temps and folbic acid

    hi all i have a couple of questions: 1. is folbic acid always welcome with the ferts? should i avoid it in some cases? 2. is it bad if the room goes under 20c degrees (68f)? i understand its more harmful during specific phases? how many degrees is critically low? thanks.
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    what is the best p.h during mid-flowering

    i thought the same as hippieman. isnt it 6.5-7 ?
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    what is the best p.h during mid-flowering

    (i mean the water p.h. for indoor plants)
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    need help - plants are stuck in mid-flowering

    hi, i grow indoors, 2 big-buds and 1 orange bud. they are in 12/12 cycle for 2 months now, and its been more than a week they havnt changed a bit. they're stuck in the same phase, they havnt "swelled up" yet, otherwise they look healthy what can be the cause for this? i dont over water, i...
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    light green leaves

    ok, until i u/l some pics please tell me - is it bad mixing veg and bloom ferts? even if i put like 20% veg fert and dont exceed concentration recs?
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    light green leaves

    thanks for the answers. first of all my plants are little more than 2 mothns old, 4 weeks into blooming. the thing is, they went light green as soon as i went into blooming (and it started from bottom and went upwards). after a tip from a friend i started mixing the bloom fert with a little...
  11. W

    light green leaves

    hi! what can be the reason for the leaves going light green? another thing - when in veg use only vegging fertilizer and in blooming a bloom fert, or should i use a mixture in some periods of the plant's life? thanks.
  12. W

    sos - plants look bad and stopped developing

    well maybe now they are cuz of the flushing, but up until than i dDID watre every day, BUT with very small quantaties (like 300ml per plant)
  13. W

    sos - plants look bad and stopped developing

    hi everyone, finally i can load some pics with the story, and here it goes: my plants are 3 1/2 weeks into flowering (8 1/2 from seeds). they are big buds, and i grow in 10L pots. the vegging was smooth sailing, but when i went into 12/12 (and changed to fert to bloom fert at the same time...
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    changing fertilizer

    isnt it better to water a little bit every day? what i did till now is water with small quantaties (around 300ml) every day and feed every other watering. should i water less times with larger quantaties?
  15. W

    changing fertilizer

    im 3 weeks into the 12/12 cycle, and i use 400W hps. also, i didnt mention that - after in initial problem 3 weeks ago, i used 50/50 on the ferts and later i put it on 25/75 for the bloom fert. and in the last few days i tried bloom fert exclusivley and i think its starting again (the...
  16. W

    changing fertilizer

    hi, i recentley put my plants on 12/12 cycle. with the change of hours i switched to blooming (biobizz) fert. soon after i noticed the leaves started turning yellow. i tried using a mixture of grow and bloom fert (50%/50%) and it seemed to help. should i continue doing this? should i change...
  17. W

    timer got screwd, what will happen?

    hi, yesterday i found out that the timer got screwd (the plants were suppose to be 2 weeks into flowering) the last couple of days i noticed they stopped flowering (the pre-flowers are gone) and also didnt grow noticabley, than i chkd the timer and found out it wasnt working proprley. is it...
  18. W

    "thin" fingers on new leaves

    hi! im growing in soil, i have 4 big buds, theyre 6.5 weeks old and 2 weeks into flowering. I feed them every other day with 50% grow fert and 50% blossom fert. (around 75% of the reccomended concnetration combined) latley the new leaves that spring out have very thin fingers. overall the...
  19. W

    plants turning yellow - need some help please

    I am growing 4 big buds in soil (10L pots). i grew them from seedlings. i vegged them for 5 weeks on flourecents and 3 days ago i went into flowering and changed the lighting to HPS 400W. today in noticed all the plants are turning light green. except that they're looking prety good. i...
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    ph of feeding solution
