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  1. Sask420

    Tinctures out of Reclaim..

    Well I'm pretty new to the cooking scene, I have done runs with iso and butane making oil but that's it! I'm interested in making a tincture out of the couple oil rigs I have acquired and smoke daily. I have an idea how to make a tincture with plant material but not with reclaim. any links to a...
  2. Sask420

    Lighting questions.

    Thanks guys Exactly what I thought. I'll be running both if I can keep my temperatures under control.
  3. Sask420

    Lighting questions.

    Currently running 4x4 with a 400W metal halid. The hood I have has a 600W HPS bulb sitting across from it. When I switch to the flowering process should I run both bulbs or stick with HPS? Also running both bulbs will it increase the possible bud outcome thanks.
  4. Sask420

    Second grow, First attempt at DWC.

    I have grown a plant from soil, also I have used an Aerogarden as a experimental grow with some auto flowering seeds. I have a Sun systems hood with a 400W metal halid bulb and also a 600W HPS. I'm using (5) 5gallon pails with 6" net pods with one aerostone per bucket with a decent pump with a...
  5. Sask420

    Forced to take a break from MJ.

    So far so good, had a couple urges to smoke up but never did the deed. As the days progress the easier it is.
  6. Sask420

    Trailer Park Boys

    Randy and Lahey came to my small town to do a comedy show at a local bar. Then they got drunk with us such a good time. Lahey was just mangled randy not so much. lol
  7. Sask420

    Forced to take a break from MJ.

    Your post was offensive and useless, physiologically it is addicting for me. I'm sure others would agree the same, it might not be a drug which after time your body depends on to function properly. Mj is a part of my daily routine and keeps me going in many ways. It helps me sleep, reliefs sore...
  8. Sask420


    I know in the USA you can have a permit to carry a concealed firearm. Now lets say you do go and jump the guy but he happens to have a .357 holstered, he manages to get the gun you guys fight over it and someone gets shot and is injured or dies. Now you are dead or facing jail time. Or you could...
  9. Sask420

    Forced to take a break from MJ.

    Yes I agree, I would not suggest anyone to do these drugs who haven't done them already. Well an update on my sober life haha. Went to the gym did 15kms on the cycle, lifted weights for 30 minutes. Changed my diet to a high protein, moderate carb and low fat died. Mostly eating eggs, lean meat...
  10. Sask420

    Forced to take a break from MJ.

    I'm not insinuating that you are. I just thought it was acceptable to discuss it here :). Also I could not stay clean with all those girls in my closet lol. I hope mj becomes an acceptable drug like tobacco, the profit off regulating pot would help any goverment willing to do it.
  11. Sask420

    Forced to take a break from MJ.

    Just asking man, last time I quit it was hell.. barley made it through it lol.
  12. Sask420

    Forced to take a break from MJ.

    Living in a small town ran by oil can get quite boring. More or less I'm looking for something to dead end or subdue my urge to smoke temporarily. I'm positive quitting cold turkey isn't going to be a walk in the park. I have researched enough to know what can happen to you on "spice" and in...
  13. Sask420

    Forced to take a break from MJ.

    Thanks for the suggestion man I will look into it! Anything to help pass the time will help or anything new to explore would be exciting. It kinda sucks too because I will have 21 days off from work and without mj it will be hard to keep myself entertained.
  14. Sask420

    Forced to take a break from MJ.

    Yesterday I recieved notice I must provide a urine screening before I return to work after christmas holidays. I have smoked multiple grades over the past 4 years and usually everyday not much maybe a bong hit or two after work. (daily tho) I'm not asking on any information regarding on how...
  15. Sask420

    Passing UA Drug Test.

    sorry guys I have not been able to find a website that will ship to Canada. any pm's would be appreciated.
  16. Sask420

    Fuck Shit Stack.

    bongsmilie Clip is a year old but it`s new to mee.
  17. Sask420

    Canadians and their Medical Coverage

    The health care is great. Broken arm, waited for 5minutes got treatment didn't pay a dime. Our taxes I think are higher though. I was unlucky and ended up in a higher tax bracket (82K+) and I ended up paying roughly 38% tax. It may hurt some but I can write off all my fuel, food, clothes, tools...
  18. Sask420

    Some Good Movies

    Unstoppable a movie about a run away train. Pretty good
  19. Sask420

    How Many of You Potheads Get Drunk?

    Currently not smoking so the beers have been raining down my throat. Weekends are for partying weekdays are for tokkin
  20. Sask420

    Segway Police

    Our town has a couple side by side atv's all done up with lights and shit. too bad they can't catch much going 80km ;)