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  1. I

    what is wrong now? :( is this nute burn? fox farm ocean forest

    pic 2 looks exactly like mine i thought at first it was a mg def so i added epsom salts with the water and they still look like crap, i dont know what it could be and i didnt get any help either lets hope your favoured more than me
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    What's wrong with my plant

    exactly what mine looks like but not only has it got the softer sagging yellow parts it has crispy brown bits too, no-one helped but hope you can get it sorted out sooner rather than later
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    Leaf Problems

    It can't be nutrient burn as i haven't given them ANYTHING, just germinated them and potted them and give them water, i have been spraying the leaves with a mist though i think it might be that because its been real hot i didnt want the leaves to burn, tryed cooling them down with a mist...
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    Leaf Problems

    I know that allready if it was just the browning of the edges i would have this done and dusted, its the 2 together thats got me thinking, as the leaves are yellow AND brown, they are showing multiple problems but cant be that bad as they are only 13 days old and the problem only started a few...
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    Magnesium Deficiency?? check it out might be of some use to you
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    Leaf Problems

    Ok.. so, i have 3 white widow plants that are exactly 13 days old as of today, up untill now they were doing fine, but now the leaves are turning yellow/brown and even WHITE (ish), it can't be nute burn as i haven't given them any nutes as the medium im using has all the nutes the plants will...
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    personally to me it sounds like the start of a magnesium deficiency, but only being on there 2nd week and suffering from a magnesium deficiency doesn't make much sence, but can happen, heres a little more info on magnesium deficiency: Common indoors, lower and later middle leaves develop yellow...
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    Plants leaves are yellow!!!

    hey spanishpassion, if your using good soil ie canna coco bio bizz fox farms etc then nutes will allready be in the soil and can last from 3-12 weeks, so your right in saying 'i thought that plants from seed have enough nutrients from 3-4 weeks' sounds to me like you may have overwatered them a...