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  1. T

    when will they stop growing!

    hey, nearly got ,my seeds and im just wondering..... could i like tie the plant down more towards the pot so it looks like a mj bush :L , just wondering :L.......
  2. T

    Most trippy weed?

    a good old jungle spliif :L , bit of brownery, bit of greenery bit of blackery all squished together :L i couldnt see or hear , an after that i was buzzin :L x
  3. T

    how could i make my weed stronger

    yeah i understand :) , iv done some research and ima wait till the weekend when ill have some monies and bomb it to the garden shop and have a look for some lights, iv done research its just deciding which info to use and stickin to it and dont worry im notin all this down :L , iv watched some...
  4. T

    how could i make my weed stronger

    OKAY :L, iv done some research on lighting and kinda understand it all now, the more lumens per square foot the better, but seing as im only growng one plant( to start with) and then growing more from there i havent got that lighting, if u could tell me places where i could get my hands on some...
  5. T

    how could i make my weed stronger

    thanks for the replies, iv set up a little growing room and taken on board your advice, the only thing im not sure about is the lighting i should use, my friend is using a special light you use when you sprain an ankle for example, i dont have one of those however i do have a bedside lamp that...
  6. T

    how could i make my weed stronger

    okay, its my first time growing and im waiting for some seeds that have finished germinating :), i know HOW to grow it and everything, i just havent got any experiance haha, but im just wanting to know..... how can i make my weed stronger????? is there anything i can add to it or change when its...