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  1. P


    Just brought my plants in said to finish them of there in 3rd week of flower just got them in box room no tent under 600w light . In 12/12 but the leaves are losing there colour and going bit spotty . What could this be please
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    The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

    how many onzes do u think u will get per plant
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    healthy plants

    do my plants look healthy to u lot there about 6 weens ond. cheese or blue cheese also how big will these grow?
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    plant sizes

    the cuttings are all of same plant
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    plant sizes

    there in green house and i move them around all the time
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    what do i need

    need to buy full kit for growing 8 plants indoors in tent . can u tell me what i will need please
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    plant sizes

    got 5 clones of friend been groing them for few weeks now but there all different sizes one is about a foot tall .all others are half the size why is this . they are blue cheese plants
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    root problems

    sorry to late now all in pots
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    root problems

    i hope so lol
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    root problems

    i have just repotted my plants and seen what looked like tiny litle hairs on the roots. could this be mold and if so why is it like that please ?
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    cheese clones

    i only can see roots by looking down the hole on rockwool . when i see them out bottom shell i repot and put them in greenhouse
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    cheese clones

    been given some clones they have started to root. but growing slow i think. i have them in house in heated proporgator with a 15w Fluorescent cool white bulb will it be powerfull enough to do anythink or is it a waset of time. if its ok do i keep it on 24 7. i mist them few times a day with...