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  1. P

    Have you ever transported on a grayhound?

    Have you ever taken a greyhound and had some large quanity on you??? carry on or stoy away?:?
  2. P

    Do not buy the hydro hut......

    I recently learned that this cheap ass company sprayed the inside of their hydrohut with a chemical that they won't admit but releases chlorine gas over time.. and oh yeah kills everything.. turns them yellow them no groth and they die... this completely f-ed me up.... Is this chemical even...
  3. P

    How close can you put the lights.....

    As you can see in my pictures I had a sweet thing going under those t5's I bought one of those hydro huts with a 600w hps... after about 1 week all plants turned yellow in middle.. added cal-mad and moved light away... also sprayed at dark with thrive alive after about a month no new groth...
  4. P

    Grow light fixture air circulation questions ? ? ?

    I just got a sweet reflector but, it doesn't have any air ciculation nor does it require a glass shield, how do I keep this sucker running cold... point a fan right at it? mount a fan blowing cold air by it... ? should I mount the air going out to as close as possible to it... what should i...
  5. P

    When to cut fan leaves ? ? ? ?

    I haven't heard anythbody talk of this yet ? my plants look amazing but theese fan leaves are huge and blocking the light. When is the best time to cut them ? Is it bad to cut them ? What should I do about them ? Look in my pics to see what I'm talking about..... Any feedback...
  6. P

    Need some Q's answered? any help?

    Hello, ONE--I recently crossed a purple strain with a local trainwreck.. hint my name... It's mostly sativa (I think) and can I grow this indoor? Is sativa really that bad to grow indoor? I was going to cut some clones.... and I just got some seeds started today... so I'm a ways away but will...