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  1. some0kid

    First Time Grow With 7 Plants!

    Hey man thanks for the feedback on my thread, just stopping by to return the favor. Girls look beautiful man, looks like your right behind me in growth ^_^. Keep up the green thumbz.
  2. some0kid

    First grow

    So check this out. I've always been really mediocre with my privacy protection on my computer, while at the same time having always been an avid pirater. Well I got caught for the first time, had my internet access temporarily suspended by my worthless provider (Do not do bidness with Mediacom...
  3. some0kid

    What are these called?

    Someone made a guide here to DIY these easily. Just get the regular sockets (they come in lamp kits cheap) already wired up and get some wire hangers then just bend the hanger around the socket and hook to whatever you need. Not sure if this is what you're looking for but hope it helps.
  4. some0kid

    Second grow 8 x 26w CFL

    That plant is beautiful!
  5. some0kid

    First Grow - CFL + Bagseed + Cabinet (previously rubbermaid)

    That's a pretty sick little cabinet whatcha pay for it? Girls look great so far well done. Gonna sub to this.
  6. some0kid

    First grow

    Cool, I was thinking at least one month. Don't trust nirvana's description on Short Rider auto flowers. It says 8 weeks time but based on projection I will be cutting this down around week 12. This is a full months difference. It's still been a good plant thus far - just bare this in mind if...
  7. some0kid

    First grow

    Thanks much for this bit. Calyx' are nice and tight thus far and I haven't caught any sign of hermanese(:P) yet so everything seems on course. The rest of the bud sites are catching up to the top cola, I can tell I'll be harvesting it a bit earlier than the rest. I need to go get a magnifying...
  8. some0kid

    42watt cfl stealth filing cab

    lol ^ shakiest camera hands ever? Lol cool cabinet box man GL on the grow.
  9. some0kid

    First grow

    Thanks man, yeah I'm only seeing them now and then they're barely visible to the naked eye. I found out that that browning on the right side of the top cola is the side facing the bulb, for some reason there's like a heat pocket in that corner of the box I think caused by my outtake fans being...
  10. some0kid

    First grow

    Also is it normal to start seeing orange pistils at this point in flowering?
  11. some0kid

    First grow

    Well I've been speaking with a fellow short rider AF grower from nirvana and he had 2 with yellowing leaves out of the 5 seeds he planted...all treated the same way. I'm going to flush her today to make sure everything is copacetic. I believe some of the discoloring was caused by a little nute...
  12. some0kid

    First grow

    Pics here. The bud pics are in 12MP, nice frost starting.
  13. some0kid

    First grow

    I'm unsure why she would look thirsty I've never let her soil stay dry very long. Pics here in a bit. I've got about 10 fan leaves from the bottom of the plant that have died off. This normal? I'm guessing they just aren't getting good light in the middle of this bush. everything else seems...
  14. some0kid

    First grow

    I personally get 80 anabout a half inch from my lights...but I'm also only using 6 26 watt cfls and I have 2 regular sized pc fans an inch away from them pulling heat out. It consistently pulls out temps off around 78 degrees. My plant can grow pretty much right up to the bulb. Anything closer...
  15. some0kid

    First grow

    Thanks man and back atcha :). Also I just read back and I got my first pistils on the 19th of september lol todays day 25 of flowering
  16. some0kid

    Ok, Let's Try This Then (need a little advice first)

    Yeah pictures would help a lot lol, also where will the box be? closet?
  17. some0kid

    First grow

    =D Shouldn't be long at all now. I'm guessing about another month. I'm not pressed for smoke or money or any of the sort so I'm gonna let them get as mature as possible and cure for a gooood while. Also Idk if you can tell in the pic but the bottom of the bucket now has 6 more 26 watt cfls
  18. some0kid

    Im New So Be Nice..............................

    Bad ass scrog setup, oh and good song ;D. Cool vid man. Keep postin'!
  19. some0kid

    First grow

    Pics, buds are starting to fill in sooo nice =] The browning was caused by the plant growing up to the bulb overnight. Problem's been corrected. FEEDBACK <3 Any yield predictions? It will be around day 15 of flowering.
  20. some0kid

    Ok, Let's Try This Then (need a little advice first)

    Get "Blueberry". Also my friend is growing a Jack herer hybrid that is fucking sexy. I'd love to grow some Jack Herer for my next grow. Just my 2 cents, cant wait to see those seedlings =]