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  1. H

    Have to go 48 hours of dark. Will my plants be ok?

    Thanks for the quick response. I was hoping that would be the answer. :) So other than being a little droopy, the 48 hours of dark will do any harm? Thanks!
  2. H

    Have to go 48 hours of dark. Will my plants be ok?

    A long story's complicated, but I need to turn my lights off for 48 hours straight. I am on 12/12 lights now, and have been for 3 weeks. Flowers/buds are definitely showing female sex. If I go 48 hours straight of total darkness, will be plants survive, and bounce back when I throw...
  3. H

    Male or Female? <PICS>

    I have been under 12/12 lights for 12 days now. The plant is starting to show signs of preflowers. I do not know what kind strain this is. Can anyone tell from these pics if the plant is Male or Female? Sorry for the poort quailty. These were taking from a cell phone. I tried to take closer...