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  1. D


    are everyone trying to stop the conversation and you dont understand? that enougth..
  2. D


    i agrre with garden but lets get out of here...
  3. D


    "maybe if you take that dick out of your ass and enjoy life for a fuckin second you might be an alright person." good one! take the example lets get out of here... please, this is a thread of a little guy who have problems with the law...
  4. D


    i dont like this stupid atitudes thats all... peace.
  5. D


    you are a children... you want atention? you have atention.. you have atention? you say more shit and have more atention.. but if nobody kick your ass you dont stop. please go take a shower and think in your life... dont go to cannabisforums show your boobs, yeah they are goooood booob... but...
  6. D


    ow bla bla bla lol bla bla bla again LOL and lol and i dont have a relationship because i have internet and i prefer that and bla bla bla lol and o stay of the blow man and bla bla bla oh you are gay LOL blablablabla lol lol You just always peg me man! you dont have B_R_A_I_N?
  7. D


    oooooooooooooooowww! daam im scary!!
  8. D


    yeah show your boobs and show your phone because you dont have anything more to show.. in portugal we show our nike airmax to because its GHETTO!
  9. D


    "Bowwowwowyippyyoyippyyay" THATS MUSIC! not ryhana or pussy cat dools or other mtv shits! lovU
  10. D


    i prefer ok! im going play xbox see yah
  11. D


    "im joking" please understand me! that stupid bitch probably are a TEENAGER BOY who takes that foto at the google and loves passing by a woman with great boobs !
  12. D


    bla bla bla noobie keep talk... everyone at the rollitup are jerking off!
  13. D


    yes yes... if you dont need that internet atention.. turn of your pc and go fuck fruit!
  14. D


    Make love or something.. go smoke something and stop with that conversation! be happy thats all.. :blsmoke:
  15. D


    em vez de especularem sobre o que eu disse pratiquem o amor lol
  16. D


    es portugues ou assim?
  17. D


    get your fingers on your ass noobie...
  18. D


    Aquela miuda anda para ai a dizer "merda" e voces, panelerios de um caralho só a criticam, nao gostam de mamas? CALEM-SE DE UMA VEZ POR TODAS!!! FODA-SE! nao lhe dê-em trela! um otario qualquer disse que a policia lhe apanhou 6 plantas e bla bla bla... nao disse mais nada e voces que dizem que o...
  19. D

    Vegetative Growth & Flowering

    Good details... thanks major!
  20. D

    Pc fans

    so you dont pay for the pc power supply energy?