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  1. W

    quick question?

    im hanging them
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    quick question?

    ok iv just finished cutting my plant 4 dryin in my tent jus wonderin if it would b ok 2 smoke in the same room
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    ok cheers dude
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    i heard somewhere u should water ur plants more often in the last couple weeks of the grow just wantin 2 know if its true or not?
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    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    cn u tell me how long iv got 2 go
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    1st sucsessful grow

    only a couple of weeks left now cant wait . how do use think im gettin on?
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    3 weeks into flowering

    400w hps .
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    3 weeks into flowering

    im 3 weeks into the flowering stage and jus wantin 2 know wot u guys think?
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    lighting question

    just wondering if i could put plants under 250w light from seedling right through ? or is flouresents a must.
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    WTF is happenin some1 help me out plz

    cheers guys appretiate the help
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    WTF is happenin some1 help me out plz

    wots mg mean
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    WTF is happenin some1 help me out plz

    soil is bioallmix
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    WTF is happenin some1 help me out plz

    how do go about flushing it
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    WTF is happenin some1 help me out plz

    im watering every 3 days , n i gave the plant its first feed yesturday. how much water should i b giving 11liter pots?
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    WTF is happenin some1 help me out plz

    yesturday the plant woz looking healthy n i came bk from work n they sa3ted goin yellow
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    2nd time lucky

    k cheers i wil get thm under 250should i b repoting aswell
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    2nd time lucky

    3 weeks into grow n am jus wondering when i should b putting them under 250w light ?
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    why r my seeling flopping over

    soil is biobizz allmix got told that would b ok
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    why r my seeling flopping over

    ok cheers mate , will do that n see fit like it is n a few days . how much water should i b giving them nhow often?
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    why r my seeling flopping over

    wot should i do ? jus leave them and less water or start over.