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  1. zezus

    Flowering Issues!!??

    So do you add peroxide with food or by itself? Could I possibly add more nitrogen with the peroxide. I could tell the plane really loved it but I did see yellowing. It was my first time using peroxide so I was not sure what was going on. I know now the plant needed more nitrogen. And I am...
  2. zezus

    Flowering Issues!!??

    Thanks zubey but Im using DWC. Last week I put some peroxide in the reservoir to clean the roots. The plant responded well and finally stabilized.
  3. zezus

    Flowering Issues!!??

    Alright finally got some pics up. As for my other posts with the extra stuff on there I don't know where that stuff came from. I even deleted all that before I posted the second time and it still showed up. So if anyone was offended.... Nobody cares! Thanks to those who are interested in...
  4. zezus

    Flowering Issues!!??

    Preferences § 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Backspace Tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Return capslock a s d f g h j k l ; ' \ shift ` z x c v b n m , . / shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский alt alt...
  5. zezus

    Flowering Issues!!??

    Preferences § 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Backspace Tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Return capslock a s d f g h j k l ; ' \ shift ` z x c v b n m , . / shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский alt alt...
  6. zezus

    Flowering Issues!!??

    What up everyone!!?? I am growing under T-5 fluorescents using a 3 gallon DWC setup. I am using Fox Farm nutes . My strain is White Rusky, I am about 5 weeks into flowering. My problems started about 3 weeks ago. I set my ppm at around 600 and the plant did not react well at all. I had it at...
  7. zezus

    Flowering Issues!!??

    Preferences § 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Backspace Tab q w e r t y u i o p [ ] Return capslock a s d f g h j k l ; ' \ shift ` z x c v b n m , . / shift English Deutsch Español Français Italiano Português Русский alt alt...
  8. zezus

    Pc grow box week 2 i need advise and help from experienced bubbleponicers

    I tied it down once the plant got too close to the lights. She was already about 4-6 weeks into flowering when i tied it down. I have tried tying the plant down early on and that was a pain because so many off shoots sprouted it became a pain in the ass. This works best with the lst rack...
  9. zezus

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    No my lights are not too close sir thunder
  10. zezus

    Pc grow box week 2 i need advise and help from experienced bubbleponicers

    I didn't use the root riot or thrive alive. I think this plant had nute lock due to the PH being off. Thats why all the brown spots. I thought nute burn at first as well. Then i checked PH and it was way high which made sense because i wasn't even giving the plant full strength nutes and i had...
  11. zezus

    Pc grow box week 2 i need advise and help from experienced bubbleponicers

    What up cannabiz. Im about to harvest some White Widow out of my PC case using bubbleponics. I started my seed using a peat moss pellet. I kept that on a plate that always had water in it. I would put water on the plate about twice a day. That way the peat moss with my germinated seed planted in...
  12. zezus

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    I wish I had darker trichcomes! I could harvest already! I check them every day and they are still clear for the most part. Dec. 15 was 8 weeks of flowering for them. So i'm guessing another week or two and they should be ripe. Yours are looking really good Cheeseschrist! You definitely got less...
  13. zezus

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    I got some trichomes turning cloudy, but they are taking for ever!! Probably because i had nute lock out. At this point though I don't think I will give her anymore food since I am so close.
  14. zezus

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    I think were on the same page on this one Devilspawn. I know what your talking about ratatoolie, I have seen that before when the leaves die. This is totally different though.
  15. zezus

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    I don't think its heat. I've done that before and that looked nothing like this.LOL! My temps hardly ever get above 85 anyway.
  16. zezus

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    I am using big bloom, tiger bloom, grow big, and cha Ching. I have been using about half to 3 quarter strength. I believe I had a PH issue which caused nute lock. I checked my PH before I started giving straight water and it was high. I was thinking calcium deficiency myself. They have been...
  17. zezus

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    Anybody? Anybody at all?
  18. zezus

    White Widow close to harvest, need advice!

    Whats up everyone! So this is my first micro hydro grow and it has gone very well. I am using FF nutes and growing in a PC case. A few weeks ago I noticed the tips of my leaves turning brown I backed off on food and gave the plants just water with a ph just over 6.0 for a week, just gave them...
  19. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    Ok so here are some pics from today. The cases are filling up!! Started giving them 1/4 strength nutes about a week ago. A few just got replanted again because I knew they would need the room. Those are the auto's that didn't auto. Those will only get water for a few weeks because the new soil...
  20. zezus

    2nd PC grow!! Check it out RIU!!

    Thanx crazytrain! now all i have to worry about is running out of room. Ill have a serious LST once i'm done! Will post pics tomorrow!!