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  1. Buyakasha

    Browning on lower leaves DWC TNT Kush

    The spotting has been getting progressively worse, at first i thought it was a nute deficiency because i was using 1/4 of the suggested strength so i bumped it up to half strength, but that caused some browning of the roots so i went back to 1/4 strength.
  2. Buyakasha

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    would it be worth it to start an outdoor lowryder grow this late in the season
  3. Buyakasha

    First grow bag seeds and cfl's

    thanks for the input i was hoping i wasnt messing up their growth by puttin them back on 24/7 i put i little dual fan in there hopefully that helps the heat problem
  4. Buyakasha

    First grow bag seeds and cfl's

    One dilemma i have is when these plants were 3 and 5 days old i had my friend babysit them while i went away for a few days. I had the lights on them 24/7 but while i was gone my friend put them on 12/12 so should i continue the 12/12 or go back to 24 for another week
  5. Buyakasha

    First grow bag seeds and cfl's

    Wuts up guys this is my first grow and it has been a learning experience thus far. I was sick of everyone saying the r dry and not being able to find bud so i decided to try to grow my own so a couple months down the road i wont run into that problem. Right now I have 2 plants growing from...