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  1. H

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    is two 250 hps 12/12 with 6" or 8" vent oscilating fan too much for one outlet goona plug it into a power strip surge protector?
  2. H

    desing in mind need help/advice....

    is a "8 too much for this desing in mind? anyone out there using two 250watt hps lights for flowering hit me up with your set-up desing really interested in this light desing also looking into a kessil led light if another 250hps is too much heat to handle im also using a closet peace
  3. H

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    one 250watt hps 3gal root pots not sure on the weigh grow for personal!
  4. H

    desing in mind need help/advice....

    Thanks guess i just wanted the rail idea to too much to work day in day out another light thanks +rep ^. Is a "6 vent fan enough for the heat im gonna be producing?
  5. H

    My mom was being pyscho today!!!

    LMFAO! got a point there i guess hahaha
  6. H

    To flush or not to flush?

    flush and dont trim after harvest just fan leaves so your dry is longer then cure in mason jars!
  7. H

    desing in mind need help/advice....

    I guess another light is better than a light rail well will research more but I cant seemto let idea of having a light rail go vs another light.... could really use some help +rep
  8. H

    desing in mind need help/advice....

    Very true man but I do cash I try not to leave a paper trail which is why I won't be posting pics up for a while just my paranoia.Does anyobody on here on riu have a grow with two 250 watt hps light interested on layout design for two 250 hps lights and also results from it. So anybody have any...
  9. H

    desing in mind need help/advice....

    Thanks for the reply man will keep in mind to not let the best of me get to me waiting on my current grow to finish then will wait a while or till I get my supplies know of any good bean banks pm me for that +rep for the help I'm looking into doing a sog or scrog since I have extra netting...
  10. H

    desing in mind need help/advice....

    I was thinking about another light 250watt sunburts would a 6" vent fan phat charcol filter be plenty for the heat and smell? just also worried about running a total of 500watts for flowering and also dont want to alert any leos with the extra equipment dont want my ir heat of th chart would i...
  11. H

    desing in mind need help/advice....

    I currently own a 250 watt hps looking into getting a '5 light rail and also a "6 vent fan and charlcol/silencer for smell looking into the rail so i dont run an extra cost of light would a light rail be a good investment with the light i own and considering i dont want to add another light...
  12. H

    Legalize it 2012!

    ^really maybe i should check this paul guy out keep hearing more and more but could be just another puppet handled by a great puppetier?
  13. H

    Fresh Harvest For Cannabutter?

    decided to do a little drying firts so it dosent come out with a grassy taste read on some forums people got that taste when they just harvested and drying was not introduced wont be curing for the cannabutter but will cure some buds for my vap wil do a tatse result when done drying thinking...
  14. H

    Fresh Harvest For Cannabutter?

    Did a search on this but could not find a sure answer any suggestions?
  15. H

    Gotta Tell This Joke

    LMFAO 1st for me hahaha
  16. H

    Caregiver Question in CO

    Well if your a caregiver you cannot asing yourself as a patient so maybe you should check the laws again and I wouldnt move to CO to make a killing just a living come on man if I wanted to make a killing wouldnt I move to a state that isnt 420mmj friendly.
  17. H

    Caregiver Question in CO

    cool man thanks for the reply will wait I read somewhere that the current limit is as much as you can handle am i right?
  18. H

    Do These look Ready to Harvest?

    Are the pistols on the main stem falling off?
  19. H

    Caregiver Question in CO

    I just wanted to ask some RIU caregivers if any how did you become a cargiver? other than submitting an application and paying the fee was thinking about moving out to Colorado to become a caregiver if at possible.
  20. H

    Back at it again with a vengance

    The single cola is gdp everything else is casey jones(k.c. jones) not sure how its Pronounce