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  1. GreyWolf420

    CO2 question.

    Are the CO2 canisters they use for bb guns the same stuff? Cause i was gonna use those for my plants
  2. GreyWolf420

    Urgent! Too much heat?-

    k thanks, i was just about to install the exhaust tomorrow anyway.
  3. GreyWolf420

    Plant 'Personality'

    I've heard 'myths' that playing music for plants modifies their growth pattern, is this true? because i was thinkin of playin a specific playlist for my plants so they have a simmiliar personality to me.
  4. GreyWolf420

    Urgent! Too much heat?-

    my camera is broken and i'm assuming about 98 degrees or so, since I havent installed my thermostat/thermometer
  5. GreyWolf420

    Urgent! Too much heat?-

    OK this is the first time ive run my light like this, I went to check my plants and water dripped off the inside of the box, one of my little sprouts was leaned over, DID I KILL IT???? or will it live with some tlc?
  6. GreyWolf420

    Was hoping someone could solve this.

    what nutes for the smoothness tho?
  7. GreyWolf420

    Was hoping someone could solve this.

    I have a small grow, bout 7 plants, It's reg, and I need it to [a] flower as fast as possible and within that, as strong as possible, mostly just more smooth of a smoke.
  8. GreyWolf420

    Nebraska. Anyone here?

    Building a smokers lounge, all nebraskans are welcome :P
  9. GreyWolf420

    First grow. 8 plants. Unknown Strain, [?] males, [?] females.

    Your right, but thank you anyways for the info you did give me.
  10. GreyWolf420

    First grow. 8 plants. Unknown Strain, [?] males, [?] females.

    [A] Light cycles? [B] Soil? [C] How bad will an indoor grow smell? it is regular strain.
  11. GreyWolf420

    My First Grow

    i couldnt figure it out D:
  12. GreyWolf420

    My First Grow

    Day 1 I wrapped 13 seeds in a moist paper towel, then sat them in a jar in a dark drawer. Day 2 I checked the seeds by peeking through the jar. No change. Day 3 I removed the 13 seeds from the paper towel. Only 8 sprouted a root. I planted these 8, each in a separate empty vegetable...
  13. GreyWolf420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I have a seed with no shell. Do I still need to germinate?
  14. GreyWolf420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    thanks, really appreciated! but exactly how should i clean the cans?
  15. GreyWolf420

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    im wanting to do an outdoor garden, im germinating and am hoping to just transplant from a can after germinating,straight to the ground. are there any chemicals i need to worry about?