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  1. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    im not a drug dealer....
  2. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    We had to pull up some males we found that were in previous pics but hopefully it will provide more room for the ones remaining. which we hope are all females and are looking like females.
  3. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ unwanted yeah man we are gonna get some pre-feminized seeds next time for sure we just had to pull out our first males it sucked... like killing a baby haha... but yeah we are gonna update on the first to let you guys see the substantial amount of growth progress these guys have made... haha...
  4. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ unwanted well we are trying for at least 10 lbs... maybe 15 if we get this other plot put up before planting season is over...
  5. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    Nothing? O.o
  6. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ brownsugarkush Yeah thanks for the reminder about the trash.. ha. and let us know when you got some pics up of the white rhino we are interested in seeing them.. @ Icculus the main reason is because so far the others are growing very well in limitted space and we have a bit of a limitted...
  7. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ dude yeah man we have been trying to take all the proper measures to keep things like that from happening and thanks for the support we hope they live strong healthy lives and produce well... Oh yea, by the look of it the bagseed we planted produced 90% females but we aren't completely sure.
  8. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    Photo Taken 5/20/2010 ----> these are our new babies grown in a medium of 40% wood ash and 60% rich garden soil full of worms just seeing how they are going to grow... Photo Taken 5/20/2010 ---->This Guy we topped once the first time and 4 separate shoots came out so we topped him in 4...
  9. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @veggiegardener yeah man we heard that they were supposed to be a good distance apart after we already had them in the ground and ready to go... we have been kind of thinking that they were already in the ground too long like you said and hadnt wanted to move them because there is a chance...
  10. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    so i am thinking about consulting my partner about transplanting some of the plants into pots that way all the plants will have more room to grow. what do you guys think?
  11. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    oh yea we're gonna be putting up more updates this weekend and we're trying to get a camera so we could record a video. just keep checking in we'll put more up more frequently.
  12. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    hey thanks for subscribing. i heard that two feet was a pretty good distance but when you look at it the more distance the better. we were hoping that how close we planted them together wouldn't stunt them severely but we planted them on the 15th of April and i thought that they would've gotten...
  13. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    So noone else has anything else to throw in? lol
  14. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ round planet, damn man that's terrible but growing isn't like the worst you really can make a lot of money from it. just stay low key but not too much cuz then people are gonna wonder what your doing. I dunno maybe it just goes against your morals but then again those morals could've been...
  15. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    Yea dawg i made the logo in paint. it's pretty tight i thought
  16. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    New logo guys just wondering how you guys like it??? haha check it out.. <----
  17. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ unwanted btw its just all of our greatest smoked weed that we collected bagseeds from...
  18. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ unwanted well we dont live in any of those states but to be perfectly honest we walked out in the woods behind our place and found a secluded clear spot that gets tons of sunlight but the ground there was bare and pretty clay stricken and there was no vegetation but we decided to use the spot...
  19. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ Norcal14 yeah bro well we love to smoke a good bit but the money is great as well
  20. Bud Squad

    The Bud Squad 2010 Grow Opperation.

    @ Veggiegardener thanks for the link bro i definitely have to get ahold of that book