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  1. epoo

    Make your own Aeroponics system

    im looking to make something similar to this for my flower room.. I just to find a way to build something like this with an external res. that's not under the fogger box. height is a major issue for me..
  2. epoo

    Website Against Prop 19

    Q: Do people who smoke marijuana"reefers" often go into a delirious rage, commit murder and then later not even remember it? A: Yes WTF!? the only thing i ever murder was a fuckin two liter of dr pepper and a bag of doritos this site is so bogus.. lol
  3. epoo

    Blue Venom & NL x Skunk closet grow....2nd grow with CFL*

    rock on robb! I got some really awesome pics for ya as soon as I can get my damn camera to dock to my comp!
  4. epoo

    epoo's 2010 summer growlog

    its been a while since ive done any updates.. for those of you subbed.. I finally harvested my vanilla kush.. Ill try to do my best and get some pics up asap!
  5. epoo

    Anybody Grown out the Vanilla Kush?

    i just got done harvesting.. my damn camera wont dock to my comp for some strange reason. im trying to get pics of asap.. excellent smoke
  6. epoo

    epoo's 2010 summer growlog

    ya.. having some issues with the plants the same age as yours.. did my transition last week. Im finally going into full on bloom this week.. noticed white hairs today on the wreckage! so i defiantly got a female. Ill post pics as soon as i get a chance im hella lazy
  7. epoo


    I just ordered some of the red dwarf.. Need to find me some room outside to start these guys.. my neighbor isnt the best. my grow is full..
  8. epoo

    The Official Ghetto Growers Group

    hey man I want in on this ghetto group
  9. epoo

    epoo's 2010 summer growlog

    I started the transition for the vanilla kush and the TW. last night I probably not going to have enough room lol.
  10. epoo

    epoo's 2010 summer growlog

    New Updates amigos for those of you subbed and just checkin me out. This is my four little ones starting to look like fuckin bonsai trees. Im having major issues with the ph in these guys especially the one on the far left.. very alkaline. I would love some input. if anyone has some suggestions...
  11. epoo

    Blue Venom & NL x Skunk closet grow....2nd grow with CFL*

    you figure out the cause of the yellow on your leaves? Im starting to get some similar problems
  12. epoo

    epoo's 2010 summer growlog

    ya. didnt have buckets to put them in. so I had to explore the house.. I had some 2 liter bottles and rt 44 sonic cups very ghetto.
  13. epoo

    epoo's 2010 summer growlog

    ya.. I gotta get pics up.. The plants have exploded with growth, I lost my camera so Im still workin on that. I ordered a shit load of seeds.. got some new members of the family. I appreciate your interest.
  14. epoo

    Blue Venom & NL x Skunk closet grow....2nd grow with CFL*

    hey rob! You hit up that attitude promo going on this weekend?
  15. epoo

    Auto Flowering.. What nutrients?

    I think I might have it fellas.. found this on another forum.. Preferred growing methods Indoors, Lowryder performs very well in soil mix (pots or beds) or in soil-less systems, where it can be cultivated from seed to bud in two months – 18 hours of light per day is recommended all the way...
  16. epoo

    Auto Flowering.. What nutrients?

    lol awesome.. I just bought these little guys to have some bud to puff on real fast. while the other girls were growing.. ill try to figure something out for us.
  17. epoo

    Auto Flowering.. What nutrients?

    Recently I just ordered some Red Dwarfs from the Buddha breeder. Im not experienced what so ever with autoflowering.. currently Im using a hempy bucket setup in my grow log. its kind of like a poor man's hydro its a run to waste. What I have read from other posts was basically just use a 20/4 hr...
  18. epoo

    Blue Venom & NL x Skunk closet grow....2nd grow with CFL*

    Ya I had similar issues when I noticed a little droop on my vanilla.. I thinks its due to certain areas of the plant getting lower amounts of light. from what I can tell. someone is gonna be baked out of there skull this fall bongsmilie :eyesmoke:
  19. epoo

    epoo's 2010 summer growlog

    ya I agree those bastards are right at 3 weeks old.. I increased the ppm to 560 they just exploded this last week.. I gotta find some more 3 gal buckets.. hows things goin on your end? the other 2 are holding strong at 860. I might go aggressive and hop up to 1130 haven't decided yet
  20. epoo

    2010 Grow from Burger Boss

    lol Ahh yes.. I know cats.. they eat and bat at everything. those runty guys usually are the ones to spring back and blow up huge! keep it up! Im subbed and will stay tuned. :eyesmoke: