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  1. kingding2385

    Vortex, Agent Orange and Jilly Bean outdoors

    thanks for stoppin by johnny....i'd rather not say, i try to keep this stuff as private as possible
  2. kingding2385

    TGA Outdoor 09 - 3 strains in the sun

    hey kush thanks for comin by....more updates coming soon, i'd say on a weekly basis when i can make it out to the plots
  3. kingding2385

    TGA Outdoor 09 - 3 strains in the sun

    thanks for stoppin by fletch...i've seen some of your grows on here before you do nice work my friend:joint:
  4. kingding2385

    Vortex, Agent Orange and Jilly Bean outdoors

    here just a few pics for all your TGA loyal's out there. still very early in the season but they are pretty much doubleing in size everytime i got to my plot to check on them. one of the agent orange seedlings is the funkiest smelling 5 inch plant i've ever had. i've done a handful of...
  5. kingding2385

    TGA Outdoor 09 - 3 strains in the sun

    here's a little update for all of you...i finally got some pics of the plants in their outdoor holes, so here they are. take a look and any advice or comments is appreciated.
  6. kingding2385

    8 girls on the balcony

    you'll be lucky to pull 12-14 grams per plant
  7. kingding2385

    TGA Outdoor 09 - 3 strains in the sun

    they were probably on their 2nd like 4 to 6 inches tall. i would've liked them to be bigger when i transplanted but they were getting to big for my balcony at my apt. oh and btw there was 10 plants transplanted. i went to check on them yesterday and 3 had been dug up by some...
  8. kingding2385

    TGA Outdoor 09 - 3 strains in the sun

    mpg, yes the little red party cups do work nice haha. just poke a few holes in the bottom for drainage and your set. also fairly easy to slide the root ball out when your transplanting.
  9. kingding2385

    TGA Outdoor 09 - 3 strains in the sun

    here is my outdoor grow for 09. i have 3 different TGA strains, vortex, jilly bean and agent orange. all sounds deliciious so i'm hoping for something special here. i have pics from a few weeks back when they were just started. i transplanted them into their permanent holes last thursday...
  10. kingding2385

    3 inch clones compared to 24 inch clones

    your only problem will be where to hang all the bud once you trim it
  11. kingding2385

    Super-Cropping 09 - You Can Too!

    good info...keep it coming
  12. kingding2385

    How long should i wait

    i know hollands hope and durban poison are early flowering strains so you probably won't need to force flower them. they will probably starting flowering on their own by mid august
  13. kingding2385

    Best outdoor TGA strain?

    i've read before that sub has said agent orange has grown 8 to 10 feet high in northern cali
  14. kingding2385

    South Texas at Play

    good shit south texas...very stealthy
  15. kingding2385

    South Texas gets Busted

    good shit south texas....its nice to have someone with some balls and the knowledge and ability to fight the law. fuck-em
  16. kingding2385

    !!!!!!!!i have found elderado!!!!!!!!!!!!

    skip the auto flowering strains if you have such a secluded place. i'd bet to say that 100 lowryders can't yield the same as 25 normal plants let grown and flowered. just something to think about it.
  17. kingding2385

    Growing Querkle, 3D, and Jillybean

    niiiiiccceeee rix....that's gonna be some bomb ass dank there my friend.....cheers!
  18. kingding2385

    Growing Querkle, 3D, and Jillybean

    lookin excellent there rix! real healthy plants there. and i see your jilly is starting to get some really nice resin
  19. kingding2385

    Anyone use Pro mix?

    i was just wondering if anyone uses promix outdoors? i've seen quite a few use it for indoor, but i'm trying to decide between pro mix and fox farms for my outdoor grow this year. i plan on going the organic route. i've already dug holes and have bought some worm castings, bat guano, and...
  20. kingding2385

    2009 outdoor for Appalachian Region

    sounds interesting....subscribed