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  1. DLZ

    Night smoking

    hey man you work at red robin?
  2. DLZ


    This guy is awesome. his name is Brad Oberhofer. He's playing out of Brooklyn right now but damn if you havnt heard him definitly check this stuff out. If your into indie stuff you''ll most likly dig it. This guy is gonna be HUGE soon. take my word. so CHECK HIM OUT...
  3. DLZ

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    well mine have just started to flower and i still have them under the daylight cfls. i only have 1 soft white. Could that be causing the plant problems?
  4. DLZ

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    its in a 2 gallon pot. It's so small and its already flowering, the white hairs are getting pretty big. Anyone else had an autoflower start flowering at this small?
  5. DLZ

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    its in my little rubbermaid grow box. i've been doin a 20/4 light schedule. temp is 78. i think maybe i just got a bad seed because it's stayed so small but i dont want it to die. could that yellowing be a deficiency of some kind? its been in fox farms ocean forest and i've fed it nothing up to...
  6. DLZ

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Help this is my Easy Rider at 3 weeks old. As you can see she's extremely behind in growth. She just started flowering a couple days ago but for some reason all the new leaves growing in the top are turning a light yellow. there not dieing just kinda changing color. but it really seems like...
  7. DLZ

    My little White Rhino is showing some spots. Can someone help identify please?

    this is those leaves like a day later. the problem seems to be getting much worse. If anyone can help me i would really appreciate it.
  8. DLZ

    My little White Rhino is showing some spots. Can someone help identify please?

    the ph of the water im using is 7.4, and i sprayed just a little neem oil mixed with water on her.
  9. DLZ

    My little White Rhino is showing some spots. Can someone help identify please?

    Help! the little spots have gotten bigger and now those 2 bottom leaves are turning yellow. Definitly doesn't look natural, never seen a plant with spots like this, they almost look like an orange mold or something spreading on the leaf. i did spray her once with a neem solution a few days ago...
  10. DLZ

    My little White Rhino is showing some spots. Can someone help identify please?

    61% right now. It tends to stay pretty humid in florida where im at.
  11. DLZ

    My little White Rhino is showing some spots. Can someone help identify please?

    She's about 2 weeks old in FFOF. havnt fed her anything at all and 2 days she startsed showing these rusty/brownish looking spots on the 2 lower leaves. Anybody know whats caused this? First pic is my white rhino, second is the one of the leaves with one little spot forming and the third is the...
  12. DLZ

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    sorry to bump my own post but its still looking like this, its gotten a little yellower. Please someone let me know what i can do to help get her healthy. this isnt happening to any of my other plants and there under the same conditions.
  13. DLZ

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    i havnt fed it any ferts at all yet and the soil is bone dry right now , i've only watered as much as my other seedlings and there all lookin great. what can i do to help it recover cuz whatever it is has obviously caused her alot of stress. I just don't want to see her die or turn hermi.
  14. DLZ

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Woah. gotta be atleast an ounce and a half there im guessing
  15. DLZ

    Autoflower Thread & Resource Guide

    Any idea what could be wrong with this short rider? She's 2 weeks old and i've just moved her outside. She was under some cfls in a grow box but just wasnt growing, then kinda started curling and turning yellow. i had it under about 60 watts of cfl. i think it could be heat stress but my temps...