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  1. M

    6 x 600W 3600 total watt setup 90 pot ebb n flow ay idea on yield ?

    if you do everything right your definitely break 7 pounds off of that. People underestimate 600 watts compared to 1000. My attitude is the electricity you don't have to pay for, will most likely come out to the bud your missing out on. Anyways I've seen 6000 take in 10 pounds off 76, in 8...
  2. M

    DIY Co2/Fog Machine

    Here's a pretty sweet video of a Co2/Fog machine that would work great for small grows. I know theres already a DYI Co2 thread, this is just an alternative. I plan on getting one built in the next couple weeks i'll post some pics.
  3. M

    Venting through the sewers

    When I was living with my dad back in 2007 he was running all the ventilation through the sewer, and we never experienced air coming up through our pipes. This is of course because it was in the basement, I'm sure it would do something if you tried to hook up the exhaust to an upper room. No...
  4. M

    Nextgen ballast warranty issues!!!

    This is why I try to not buy my essentials online. If I get ripped off, I want to know the face of the guy who did it. Sadly enough digital ballasts are famous for shitting out no matter what the brand, which is why a lot of hydro shops will try to sell you off of them. I went with Lumateks...
  5. M

    Do not buy from!!!! 29$ femenized crappppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What happened to you is total b.s. Once you start thinking about it you would've been better off getting the seeds ganked by customs, which has to be the only scenario where that would apply. I'm in the process of trying to hunt down a reliable seed bank, as i usually just buy clones, but i'm...
  6. M

    Are these banannas on my mature female flower?

    I'm assuming that the plant is way past done and is starting to sprout flowers as a way for the plant to create seeds and survive. This has happened to me almost every time I've tried growing one plant at a time. I have to say how cool would it be if you could get Bananas from a plant, it...